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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Dems Desert Faltering Obama Amid Election Year Disarray

Infighting flares over trade deals

Even as President Obama is praising congressional Democrats for their unity on raising the nation’s debt ceiling, he is encountering the election-year limits of party discipline on a wide range of his other priorities.

On trade, energy and, to a lesser extent, health care, the president is grappling with Democrats who are going their own way. Some lawmakers don’t want to be seen with him in public as the November elections near, although Mr. Obama is embarking this month on a round of fundraisers to benefit Democratic candidates.



  1. no ... its just an illusion and the GOP is falling for it ...again. Ha,ha,ha

  2. Nothing but a bait story to get the GOP to start impeachment proceedings. Not gonna work. We will wait for the Nov. electronic election results to be flipped in anyone's favor to see how everything turns out. Then impeach him, one way or another.


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