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Sunday, February 02, 2014

Shooting In Salisbury East Church Street

Shooting 900 blk E Church. 1 adult male struck in leg. Non life threatening injury. Dets investigating. Call Crime Solvers 410-548-1776


  1. But, But, But Crime is down in Salisbury. Ask Jim Liarton and Matt Macerello.

  2. Salisbury should issue bullet proof vests to all residents.
    The government will pay for them with another grant if approached properly. We could say we are part of the Homeland Security.
    Of course then we would want bullet proof glass for our cars , and home windows.
    A very simple solution for this problem would be to issue all residents without a record concealed carry permits.

  3. Marcella spends more time on self promotion than prosecuting criminals.

  4. Couldn't be. It's not possible what with the lowered crime rate. Wait, shootings aren't down. other crimes are down.

  5. O'Malley gun laws sure are working...he has made sure only the criminals will be packing. Be sure to say thank you to your delegates for further restricting your civil rights and making you a victim. The liberal agenda..to take your personal freedoms in exchange for government services and cash...see how well it worked in Russia?

  6. Yeah what's new other than taxes. Most of us already new the city fudged those crime stats by not "Charging" those criminals so that the arrests looks like they are down. Do the math Matt lied along with Jim Ireton because it's an election year and he wants to use those numbers for his re-election. What's that 2 shootings in a week now in that area!

  7. and who is surprised?

  8. I really wish they would take a bulldozer up and down the street and knock everything down.

  9. Haters gonna hate and late into the night too.

  10. this isn't even news any longer, they shoot one almost on a nightly schedule over there. i guess they don't read the paper and know of all the gun laws in maryland.
    at least they get free medical care for the wounds.

  11. Can you teach these idiots how to shoot?

    All they are doing is creating bragging rights.

  12. Need to teach those thugs how to shoot.

  13. Violence had quieted down for a while.

    What's stirring up these shootings?

  14. Do not ask them. Ask the POLICE OFFICERS that are on the street.

  15. 8:09 A new pair of sneakers! Such things have a high priority in parts of Iretoon's "da Bury".

  16. They should teach a marksmanship class in the ghetto.

  17. A resident on the west side told me of two shootings in his area last week that were never reported.

  18. We need to go back to the coliseum type entertainment. Put all the gang bangers in the arena and let them kill each other for our entertainment! Brings in loads of money, and helps clean up the streets and neighborhoods!

  19. Where is the "Like" button for 10:26's comment?

  20. that's how thugs shoot these days. Disrespecting the victim by shooting him in the ass,

  21. I pop a cap in YO ass.

  22. 10:26-And throw in a few lions and tigers for good measure.

  23. 1:02 You forgot bears.

  24. These shootings need to be pay per view events so those interested can watch in the comfort of their living rooms.

  25. Really??? Bullet Proof Vests??? Now explain to me how that would have helped this guy. He got shot in the leg. Last I checked that is not covered by a vest. Geees.


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