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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Senator Mathias Supports Increased Power Rates

Senator Mathias currently supports SB 521. SB 521 is about electric generation plants that use the anaerobic decomposition of poultry litter as a fuel source. This is a great use of a waste product farmers now have to depose of, at great personal expense,because increasing regulations severely limit the amount of "natural" fertilizer they are allowed to use on crops.

The problem is that the bill will require electric utilities, like Choptank Electric, to buy power from these plants at above market prices. The increased cost of power would then be passed on to customers.

Governments should not mandate that taxpayers subsidize a private enterprise, especially when such a law would result in higher rates for hard-working citizens.

If the electric generation plants are such a good thing for the Eastern Shore, why is it necessary to force companies to buy their power. Let's let the free market system determine the best sources of energy.

SB 521 will be voted on Tues, Feb 18th. Please contact Senator Mathias today and urge him to vote against this bill.

Email him at jamesmathias@senate.state.md.us or call 1-800-492-7122 Ext 3645 and tell him you are against SB 521.


  1. Enough already! Democrats get your heads out of the asses of big business! Let the poultry companies who own the chickens get rid of their own waste. Anyone with an ounce of sense can see this is corporate welfare.

  2. Is there going to be any mention of people like Sen. Hershey supporting this, along with Dels. Smiegel, Haddaway-Riccio, Arentz, and Eckhardt?

  3. He's a cronyist Democrat - what did you expect. Someone that helped him get reelected is gonna make money from this!


  4. You get a goofy message like you've tapped into a walkie-talkie when you dial the 800 number. Ignore it and just key in the extension number and ask for the senator's office.

    They were pleasant and are keeping tally of calls.

  5. Fat Boy liberal lover JONATHAN TAYLOR is voting for this Fool.

  6. Senator Mathias thinks he is a celebrity since Layton Moore and his Radio Station boosted his ego. Charge him

  7. Oh yeah. Contacting our "leaders" Always works our great. They can't wait to honor the wishes of the people they claim to "represent". The only contact they really need is with the business end of a noose. You COULD get them to call you back if you included an offer of a rather large campaign bribe, uh er, I mean "contribution".

  8. You cannot connect with his e-mail...

  9. Preamble of this bill needs to be changed. It states-"WHEREAS, The State of Maryland produces nearly 500,000 tons of poultry 16 litter every year;"
    If facts and accuracy mattered to this bunch it would read "The State of MD poultry producers produce nearly 500,000 tons of litter every year."

  10. Typical democrat. Everyone pays electric bills and this will hurt everyone. The dems always come down on the wrong side of the issues. Why do we keep electing these clowns?

  11. "Governments should not mandate that taxpayers subsidize a private enterprise, especially when such a law would result in higher rates for hard-working citizens."
    That's about it! Vote no Mr. Mathiass.

  12. 9:12 Who is we? I never have voted for one but I am in the minority in MD here on the Shore. Our vote on the Shore does not matter. You can include Western MD and Southern MD past La Plata (DC commuters are north of that).

  13. 9:12 - We collectively...based on who voted and who they voted for. I didn't vote for him either...but the citizens as a whole did not provide his competitor with enough votes.


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