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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Getting To The Bottom Of Md.’s $250M Health Care Fiasco

Accountability is sorely lacking when it comes to Maryland’s botched rollout of Obamacare. Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown is nowhere to be found when tough questions are asked. Gov. Martin O’Malley deflects “who’s at fault” inquiries, focusing instead on getting the deeply flawed software partly operable.

The computer system’s main contractor, Noridian Healthcare Solutions, blames its prime subcontractor, who in turn accuses Noridian — a healthcare services company, not an IT firm — of incompetence and conning the state. Given that Noridian has received $65 million to construct a failed system, the subcontractor may have a point.



  1. Chicago Mafia runs the White HouseFebruary 18, 2014 at 3:03 PM

    1 Trillion Dollars Stimulus and they can only account for 10%????

    WTF!!!! If that was me writing a fake check...I be in jail...

  2. Notice the way Brown is holding his mouth in the photo.

  3. Always someone elses fault. Hes going to be our next pres


  4. Caution: Hip Waders and Respirator required!

  5. "I don't know what happened!"

    Buffoon liberal dems.

    THAT'S what happened.


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