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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Putin Vs Obama


  1. putin married a FOX, obummer married a DOG.

  2. Hahahhaha. I never knew.

  3. 8:24, Pres. Putin's been estranged and finally separated from his wife for years now, possibly finally even divorced.
    Look up his girlfried Alina Kabaeva, Russian gymnast.

  4. The difference between Putin's fox and OweBlama's dog was a couple of joints!

  5. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 11, 2014 at 8:50 AM

    Its no wonder Obama is not going to visit Olympics, they would boo him all the way to Kenya. Just like a little dog, put his tail between his legs and crawl to hide in his corner. After bowing down to everyone on this planet makes me wonder if he has turn into humpback.

  6. Why don't all you Putin fans move to Russia? We'll see how long you last there

    1. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 11, 2014 at 5:02 PM

      Been there Done that. It was okay, not so friendly to Gay & Lesbian people. Is that why you are here?
      Its obvious Putin is ruthless leader with guts and balls, and Barry is just a spineless gutless puppet ruled by Valerie Jarrett and her telemprompter.

    2. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 11, 2014 at 5:11 PM

      And you can open the bottle of Vodka right in front of the grocery store and start drinking it. Try to do that here, in OweMalley-Land.

  7. I checked out putin's new honey-mama 7:01, you are right, she is QUITE A BABE!! and remarkably flexible too.

  8. Both men are evil. One man has the traits of a leader, the other the traits of a wuss.

  9. Putin said that negotiating with Obama is like playing chess with a pigeon. He walks on the board knocking all the pieces over, takes a dump right in the middle and struts off as if he's won.

  10. 9:06 AM

    The US is now more communist than Russia, so how could it be any worse? Czars in the US? Still loving that change?

  11. Not so friendly to gay and lesbian people. Sounds like my kind of place.


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