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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Police Chief Cites Satirical Story On Marijuana Deaths As Evidence For Weed Ban

Testifying against a bill in Maryland to legalize marijuana, Annapolis Police Chief Michael Pristoop cited a hoax story that claimed 37 people died the first day marijuana was legalized in Colorado.

“The first day of legalization, that’s when Colorado experienced 37 deaths that day from overdose on marijuana,” Police Chief Pristoop said during a testimony at a Maryland Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee hearing Tuesday.

Sen. Jamie Raskin, who has proposed a bill that would legalize recreational pot, responded with an immediate correction: “Unless you have some other source for this, I’m afraid I’ve got to spoil the party here, but your assertion that 37 people died of a marijuana overdose in Colorado was a hoax on the Daily Currant and the Comedy Central website.”


  1. Was this police chief a detective before the chief position? LOL

  2. Just proves that he people opposed to this are dopes......lol
    But seriously they are just worried about the private prison business.

  3. According to statistics from the UK, marijuana kills 30,000 people a year there. Researchers there claim it is more dangerous than cigarette smoking. This due to the method of inhalation, which included longer and deeper draws and holding smoke in lungs for much longer than one would with a cigarette.
    There is also the issue of what is referred to as Sudden Unexpected Death which in the US has killed 35 from 2008-2012. No one is quite sure what causes the respiratory failure and the heart stoppage but research is leading toward it being the THC levels which have increased 40% in cannabis since the 1960's.

  4. This only goes to prove that even high payed cops aren't the brightest crayon in the box. And., don't forget it's legal for cops to lie to you.


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