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Wednesday, February 26, 2014


General: 'This was the administration's plan all along'

The Obama administration is proposing the biggest cuts to the military in generations, citing an end to the war in Afghanistan and the impact of sequestration, but critics allege the president and Pentagon officials are engaging in a deliberate and dangerous hollowing out of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney also said the cuts will further erode already poor military readiness and signal the world that the U.S. will be in no position to defend national security threats on the scale it has in years past.

On Monday, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced plans for a $522 billion budget, which is still exponentially higher than than the defense budget for any other nation. But the plan also calls for bringing troop levels to the lowest level since before World War II.

The plan would bring Army troops down to between 440,000 and 450,000.



  1. that should do wonders for the economy and unemployment rate. can you say "military suppliers"??

  2. The real reason behind this is so when Obama declares martial law, and sends out his private army(nsa), no one will be strong enough to oppose. They take away our guns, buy up all the ammo, and shrink the military. Be very afraid, people

  3. Remember the deal Obama made with Putin that was caught when the microphones were supposed to be off. "Wait until my second term and then I can give you what you want". The useless crap we hear on the MSM that they say in public is to keep the sheeple confused and entertained. What is caught off record is very important for figuring out what is really going on.


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