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Sunday, February 16, 2014

NFL Faces Pressure From Congress To Change Redskins’ Name

Two members of Congress have written a letter to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell urging Goodell and the league “to take a formal position in support of a name change” by the Washington Redskins.

The letter by Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) and Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) is to be sent Monday to Goodell.

“The NFL can no longer ignore this and perpetuate the use of this name as anything but what it is: a racial slur,” Cantwell and Cole write in the letter. “It is clear that you haven’t heard the leading voices of this country — and not just Indian Country. Virtually every major civil rights organization in America has spoken out in opposition to this name including the NAACP, the Anti-Defamation League, the Rainbow Coalition and the League of United Latin American Citizens.”


  1. Please let that bunch work on things that will improve the country and not some dang sports team name!!! These folks just can't get focused, no wonder the country is in the shape it is...

  2. Oh great! Now they have nothing else to do but worry about some football team name. Isn't there more important issues to tackle?!

  3. Yet the Lakota nation subsist in squalor with the highest rate of Alcoholism in the Nation and this is Congress's way of doing something for the Native Americans?

    Mr Cole should concentrate on getting Impeachment Articles rolling - do something productive instead of the usual lip service.

    Progressive activism has become the second biggest growth market in the USA- Just behind Holder/ Obama's Prison factories producing all sorts of things American Companies once produced.

  4. The letter by Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) and Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) is to be sent Monday to Goodell.

    “The NFL can no longer ignore this and perpetuate the use of this name as anything but what it is: a racial slur,” Cantwell and Cole write in the letter.

    A racial slur? Why is it a racial slur because you said so? Vote these ignorant people out of congress please.

    Go Redskins! If the name changes I will find another team to support.

    By the way then by their definition the Baltimore Ravens are a slur against birds. The Patriots are a slur. The Texans are a slur.

    Get a life you DIRT BAG Liberals!!

  5. Geez... these people would rather take the time to write that letter, yet autoscript their constituents. Dan Snyder should mail them a bag of dung.

  6. hey, why not change their name to what they are... THE LOSERS

  7. Maybe the citizens of this country should change the names of those in Congress!

  8. What a bunch of pansies.

  9. The attack on Free speech is amazing. Just amazing. That politicians are starting petitions is incredible. I pray to God we wake up and get these power crazy people out.

  10. With a name change they may never win another Super Bowl.

  11. How about the PinkGays, that ought to make the liberals happy!

  12. What a shame that's all they have to do, worry about a name change of a football team. Nobody else care, not even the American natives. Look at Florida State University, the American native tribe Simonowls endorse them using the name and are proud of it. Sheamus


  13. O, Yes, the Dems will have the advantage here.

    Republicans are committing suicide.
    Best answer yet! Good Idea!


  14. Change the name to 'Foreskins'; it will be completely in sync with those pushing for the alteration.

    Fans can still root for the 'Skins' and we can get back to ignoring the Indians/Native Americans.

    The whole exercise to change mascot names is self-defeating to the Indians since all of the names were initially chosen to show regard for positive characteristics. In the absence of the mascot nicknames the Indians will continue to recede into the backwater of collective memory.

    Very shortsighted mindset.

    Go Skins!

  15. The name will change, I assure you.
    Just imagine the revenue from the new logo. Ownership is just going through the motions of faking indignity at the idea of changing the name. Money talks...etc.
    Someone posted a few weeks ago the very simple test that's worth repeating:
    Walk into a crowded bar on any reservation in the country and stand at the door and yell out, "Hiya all you redskins!"
    If you don't get your butt kicked within 30 seconds, then it's probably OK to keep the name.

  16. The Chickasaw nation is the second richest tribe in the US with the second largest casino in the entire country. They have a 98% turnover rate of employees each year, they only allow part time work up to 28 hrs, and they pay no benefits. The council members are all indian and they openly say they hate the white man. They have received heavy cash contributions from the gov, and are a constant complainer. Their customer base is 90% white, bused in from Dallas daily. This is nothing more than a money grab, because that is all they care about. When the $$ is paid out, the problem will go away. Funny the richest tribe, the seminoles, who own all of the hard rocks, they are heavily involved at FSU, but you don't hear a peep from them?

  17. Keep the name and change the mascot to a potato. And let them stew on that for a while like they carrot all.


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