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Monday, February 10, 2014

I Think These Senators Deserve A Pay Cut


  1. Obama Crooked BastardFebruary 10, 2014 at 1:38 PM

    Supprise? Cardin & Mikulski both on the list. Did they offer Any Explanation? Besides, Party 1st and People last. Back in the day people would visit "crooked representatives" at their mansions and threw them out, right out the windows. We need to get back to that.

  2. It's time to vote those dinosaurs out of there, Period. Both Cardin and Mikulski voted for the cut. Both have had plenty of years to make things better here in Maryland,and they have failed us because things have gotten a lot worse. 6.6% unemployment, I'll believe that when pigs fly!

  3. You're too easy...they should all be required to serve on the front lines after they're fired!

    If you won't stand behind your military, you should be required to stand in front of them!

  4. Mostly Democrats - with a sprinkling of RINO's....

  5. So agree...Social Media is the way of our future...spread this around and FLIP the SENATE in 2014...

  6. YOUR VOTE COUNTS in 2014February 10, 2014 at 2:00 PM

    So agree...Social Media is the way of our future...spread this around and FLIP the SENATE in 2014...

  7. For the great majority of these slimy weasels, the ONLY service they've ever done in the USA is dip their greedy, lying mouths into the public trough and slurp up every bribe, kickback, and payoff they could. And, even with most of them being multimillionaires, they NEVER would even consider ANY cut in their lavish benefits, perks, and salary. They will take every dollar from us, "we the people", however.
    Keep cheering.

  8. Obama Crooked BastardFebruary 10, 2014 at 5:05 PM

    Folks, just remember these crooks will be receiving High Salaries and Benefits even after they leave the office. THEY WILL BE GETTING PAID FOR LIFE! And if you ask how come, well, they voted for it themselves! So who they really REPRESENTING THERE? NOT US!

  9. Sign the petion to reduce congressinal benefits..

  10. Obama Crooked BastardFebruary 10, 2014 at 5:20 PM

    Gotta be kidding! Just saw John McCain on the list, that crooked bastard. I bet his Pension Plan is Golden and Untouchable. What a crook of $#%@!!!

  11. They are all worthless. Revolution is needed soon.


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