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Monday, February 10, 2014

Homeowner Says SWAT Came In Her Home Without Permission

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Deborah Franz feels violated. She claims the SWAT team went into her southside home without her permission during a standoff involving her neighbor Sunday afternoon.

Franz said it all started shortly after overhearing a fight at her neighbor's house across the street Sunday. A short time later, the SWAT team swarmed her neighborhood.

"The cop goes 'You all need to leave, you can't be in your house,'" said Franz.

That happened around 1 p.m. About six hours later, deputies cleared the scene and she went back home. But something was off when she walked through the door.

"I stopped, I froze because I realized somebody had messed with my TV," said Franz.



  1. That's what they do...

    Where they "hey" are you living because I live in the police state of america and no one seems to give two craps about it and continue to let it happen...

  2. If the police try to kick me outta my home, i'll be going to jail

  3. And it all could have been averted with a box of donuts and a tad of hospitality.

  4. Speak for yourself 1:28, my record says different

  5. So, is this the tactic our sheriff is teaching? Just asking?

  6. Maybe the person(s) the SWAT team were after was in the house

  7. You don't have to leave your home, remember when police tried to order the residents of Mt. St. Helen out because it was going to erupt? One man stayed, he refused to leave his home, The cops couldn't legally order him out of his home. He died, but still, he knew the law.

  8. So who is he now 11:03,the smartest man in the cemetery?


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