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Monday, February 10, 2014

EPA Fines Chicken Farmer $37,500 Each Time It Rains

Raising poultry is hard enough work, but West Virginia farmer Lois Alt has been battling not only the weather lately but also the EPA -- and she's winning.

The EPA is threatening to fine Alt $37,500 each time it rains. Why? It seems the EPA believes that all-natural dust, feathers and manure on her farm are a threat, and that rain water draining off her property will contaminate the environment. The EPA's draconian position literally could impact thousands of farmers across the country and put them out of business.

It all sounds ridiculous, yes, but we've only scratched the surface. On this week's episode of Off The Grid Radio, American Farm Bureau Federation's Danielle Quist tells us just how far the EPA is willing to go to get Lois to obey.

Quist, an attorney who is representing Lois in a lawsuit against the EPA, tells us:
What the EPA wants Lois to do to stay in business (hint: it's neither cheap nor easy).
How this case could impact farmers from coast to coast.
How EPA regulations are driving farmers out of business and keeping others from even entering the profession.

There's good news, though: A federal court has sided with Lois. But the EPA is appealing, so the legal fight is not over.

This is a true modern-day version of David vs. Goliath that any American -- and particularly any off-the-grid citizen -- should care about.

Click here to listen to this week's interview.


  1. I really believe the EPA is behind much of the eco-terrorism that goes on in the USA. The reports of Arsenic in the Dan River and the holes in the retaining wall at the factory in Charleston WVA that nobody can realistically say was not sabotage. Earlier last week the EPA forced the owner of a refinery in Alaska to make plans to shut down. Terrorists are shooting transformers in California- meanwhile the architect of Arab Spring smugly grins and lies while this Country erodes on a daily basis.

    This is Obama's way of crushing Capitalism- by empowering mindless activists searching for expanded purview over our culture.

  2. They want our business to go to China, to help with that debt.

  3. I am ready to go to war with our government. Obama and the Democrats have ruined this country and the weak RINO's we elected are not doing a damned thing about it. It's time to form local militias and fight back.

  4. This needs to be done here, these chicken farmers are killing the bay and ruining my fishing.

  5. Let 'em eat bugs! (epa, i mean)

  6. Hey 2:00. don't forget the terrorist found in the water supply pipe in new jersey!


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