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Friday, February 14, 2014

Gretchen Wilson To Animal Activists: ‘Be Nice If This Much Effort Could Go Into Saving Unborn Babies?’

(CNSNews.com) -- Country music singer Gretchen Wilson sang at SeaWorld in Orlando, Fla., on Saturday, and she responded to backlash from animal rights activists on Twitter with a Tweet of her own: “Wouldn’t it be nice if this much effort could go into saving unborn babies?”

Famed for her 2004 hit “Redneck Woman,” Gretchen Wilson tweeted before singing at the event: “I did my research … can’t wait to see my FANS on Saturday!”



  1. Why does it have to be one or the other? Both babies & animals should be protected. Babies that are aborted because the mother doesn't want to be inconvenienced by childbirth, & animals that are used for entertainment purposes....both scenarios are wrong.

  2. Well, now I'm a Wilson fan.

  3. Priorities ... humans or animals? Shame on you if youre thinking animals.

  4. I thought humans were animals.More highly evolved,but still animals.


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