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Friday, February 14, 2014

Current Background Checks Stop Very Few Firearm Purchases

Federal background checks are denying gun purchasers under President Obama at about half the rate they did under President Clinton and also at a slower clip than during President George W. Bush's administration, according to data obtained by The Washington Times under the Freedom of Information Act.

The federal National Instant Criminal Background Check System is designed to weed out would-be gun buyers with criminal records or histories of mental health problems. Gun control advocates have pushed for the system to be expanded in the wake of mass shootings as a way to keep firearms out of the wrong hands.

But statistics provided to The Times show that almost everyone who applies under the system is approved and it hardly matters which party controls the White House.


  1. Duh, most people know what their own background is, don't they? Only people with a clean background are going to apply for legal purchases. People with a criminal background are just going to buy their gun on the street.

  2. Shouldn't as law abiding citizens are the ones purchasing.


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