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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

College Textbook Paints Reagan As Sexist, Conservatives As Pessimists

The authors of a textbook used at University of South Carolina earned an 'F' in Ronald Reagan 101, according to several conservative Gamecock students.

“Introduction to Social Work & Social Welfare: Critical Thinking Perspectives” portrays the 40th president as a sexist who was insensitive to minorities and whose main accomplishments were cutting taxes, jacking up defense spending and "slashing" social programs. The book states that conservatives like Reagan "take a pessimistic view of human nature.”

“I was absolutely shocked and was tempted to throw the book away,” Anna Chapman, 19, a sophomore majoring in political science, told FoxNews.com. “I would even write comments in the actual textbook next to some of the offensive things that I read. I didn’t know that this is what I had signed up for.”


  1. Colleges are liberal breeding grounds.

  2. Salisbury Correctional State UniversityFebruary 18, 2014 at 3:06 PM

    You have to adapt to the 21st Century "OLD PEOPLE", and get with the times...

    I study Transgender studies at the local College off Camden Avenue...

  3. 1:40 PM I disagree.

    What I see happening is more liberal programs being offered that focus on liberal agendas i.e. social work, communications, liberal arts, leisure studies. The classic conservative programs like history, business admin, accounting, finance are still there and they are still pushing the conservative argument.

    The difference being that business degrees tend to be more rigorous and competitive there by attracting competitive students. Conversely social work, psychology etc are not as competitive. The curriculum is also not as rigorous. So as along as you have the money and just think that getting a degree will further your cause "career" which program would you apply to? In our system today if you have the money you can go to college, even if you are a dunce.

    VICE.COM just did a 50 minute show titled "Is Going to College Worth it?: VICE Podcast 031" It discusses how watered down things have become and they point to the biggest reason as being money. You have it and colleges want it. Most Colleges have an incentive to enroll as many as possible and little concern is being paid to whether you can actually succeed. They want your money.

    Watch the show and draw your own conclusions.

  4. 3:06 I went to college almost 40 years ago and it was exactly the same. Serious people take the serious courses and the rest skate on the easy stuff.

  5. 3:06 Be sure to take the Homosexual 101 class next. I'm sure it will be as useful in your career objectives. Pathetic.

  6. 10:12 I think 3:06 was being sarcastic but you never know these days.

  7. Drop the class and use the internet rating service to expose the Instructor for what she is..


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