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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Co-op News - Let Your Voice Be Heard

Call to Action!
Currently there is a bill before the Maryland Senate, Senate Bill 521, Agriculture — Poultry Litter — Energy-Generating Cooperative Program. This bill is about electric generation plants that use the anaerobic decomposition of poultry litter as a fuel source. A noble cause. The problem is that the essence of the bill is to require electric utilities, like Choptank Electric and its members, to buy the power from these plants and to pay above market prices for the power from the plants. This bill is to go before the Senate Finance Committee Tuesday, February 18, so time is short!
Although Choptank Electric supports renewable generation initiatives and the poultry industry, we do not support those that would mandate our members to subsidize a private enterprise. Our members would be paying more for this energy, through higher rates.
While these regulations are technical, the potential increase in electric rates is something we take personally because we know it's difficult to make ends meet. We know the tough choices you face — we all face — in trying to live on a budget. That's what sets cooperatives apart from other utilities and that's why we must stick together.
And by the way, although the word "cooperative" is in the name of this bill, this is not a Choptank Electric Cooperative initiative.
We want our members to be aware of issues that may affect the availability, reliability and affordability of their electric power. Here's how you can help: call or email Senator Jim Mathias to voice your opinion today at james.mathias@senate.state.md.us or call 1-800-492-7122, Ext. 3645, and tell him you are against SB 521!
Although Senator Mathias represents Wicomico, Worcester and Somerset Counties, the impact of this implementation rests on the shoulders of all Choptank Electric members.


  1. This tactic was tried in Europe. It didn't take long for people to start gaming the system and start selling power company power back to the power company for a profit.

  2. 104, solar may work that way in tropical areas like southern Florida, but middle latitudes won't, and it doesn't work at night and neither does wind. Burning manure is less cost effective than any other common fuel, so with all 3, prices rise. But you please volunteer to pay for these sources exclusively, and then I'll be able to pay nuclear,coal, gas, and hydro power rates.

    I want to go green as anybody, but it has to be cost effective.


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