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Monday, February 10, 2014

A Nation Of Laws, Not Men, Must Impeach Obama

One of the hats I wear is that of Washington correspondent for Dispatch International, a European weekly newspaper co-edited by Danish journalist and historian Lars Hedegaard. The name may ring a bell with U.S. readers because last February, a man dressed up as a postman with a fake package tried to assassinate Hedegaard, a noted critic of Islamization and proponent of free speech, at his home in Copenhagen. International headlines followed.

One year later, Hedegaard lives under state protection and there have been no arrests. But that's not what this week's column is about.

A few days ago, Hedegaard wrote me with a new assignment:

"Would you write something about a disturbing phenomenon: the fact that Obama rules by decree and neglects the Constitution. How can this go on? Nixon was a complete amateur compared to this would-be Kim Jong-un. It looks like a coup d'etat. Nobody talks about it in Europe."

So that's what America looks like from 4,000 miles away.



  1. IMPEACH HIM call 202-224-3121 and tell you Congressman to start the paperworkFebruary 10, 2014 at 2:02 PM

    Our Constitution was designed for tyrants as Obama

  2. We have a friend in the Netherlands who lived with us as an Exchange Student in 1987-88. He is a doctor now, married with 2 children, and works for the Dutch government. We talk with him often and as far as he's concerned our Country is in trouble. People in Holland believe Obama is a fake and liar. Other Countries cant believe he's still in office.

  3. 2:02pm...I have no clue how you arrive at such a ridiculous conclusion. The constitution is one of the most elegant documents ever crafted. The real issue is the apathy of the governed. Until we are prepared for a revolution..These corrupt politicians will continue their tyranny.


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