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Saturday, January 04, 2014

Worcester’s Property Values Continue Downward Trend

Property reassessment notices for roughly one third of Worcester landowners hit mailboxes this week, and while the average values continued to decline this year, the rate of decline has slowed after a few years of deep drops across the county and much of the state.

Assessments of real estate values in the south end of Worcester along with a vast section of West Ocean City that was added to the area to create relatively equal areas in terms of numbers of accounts were completed this fall and residential and commercial property owners received their new assessment notices this week.

While most in the current reassessment area saw their property values decline again for the three-year cycle, the average level of decline has slowed somewhat.

1 comment:

  1. Bet ya taxes go up to compensate.
    Then when their property values rise, they will be paying more taxes than they were before.
    Just like Salisbury


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