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Saturday, January 04, 2014

Sens. Wyden And Udall Call For End To NSA Dragnet Phone Surveillance

Not every federal lawmaker is content to step aside and watch impotently as the executive branch erects a prison state with citizens as suspects and subject to constant surveillance.

In a recent New York Times op-ed, Senators Ron Wyden (left, D-Ore.) and Mark Udall (right, D-Colo.) call for an immediate end to the National Security Agency’s (NSA) dragnet collection of the phone records of Americans. In the opening paragraph, the senators explain the basis of their opposition to this unconstitutional program:

[The] framers of the Constitution declared that government officials had no power to seize the records of individual Americans without evidence of wrongdoing, and they embedded this principle in the Fourth Amendment. The bulk collection of Americans’ telephone records — so-called metadata — by the National Security Agency is, in our view, a clear case of a general warrant that violates the spirit of the framers’ intentions. This intrusive program was authorized under a secret legal process by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, so for years American citizens did not have the knowledge needed to challenge the infringement of their privacy rights.

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  1. Now we have King Obama I doing the same thing...will not be long now you ALL for the 2nd American Revolution...January 4, 2014 at 2:36 PM

    Write of Acceptance in 1760 by KING GEORGE III: prior to the Revolution...allowed Warrant-less searches by soldiers on the Colonists

  2. It's an illusion. These Democrats are merely tossing up a camo netting in the hope you'll not see them gut the rest of the Constitution. ALL Democrats bear watching.., all of 'em. For their very cornerstone belief, 'the country will fall from within', is why America is the police state it is today.

  3. Writs of Asssitance is what the Warrant-Less Searches during King George III time were called.January 4, 2014 at 5:08 PM

    Actually, they were called Writs of Assistance...

  4. I am totally in line with 438. Smoke, mirrors, and underhanded maneuvering is all this is. A big play on a stage they built.

    Look behind the curtain!

  5. If immigration enforcement and requirements were not so slack, the NSA would not have to scan every citizen for potential foreign terrorist/criminal activity. Don't let them in the country in the first place and deport the illegal aliens, problem solved.
    The NSA is a poor attempt to fix a problem the Government itself has caused at the expense of the personal freedom of it's citizens.
    Exactly what the Government should NOT be doing.


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