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Saturday, January 04, 2014

Where Are The Police When You Really Need Them?

With one of my New Year’s resolution being to blog at CopBlock.org, I thought I’d start with two recent stories that left me wondering, “Where are the police when you really need them?”

The first story comes from Dallas where, according to the local Fox station (see video below), five men armed with guns attempted to rob a convenience store. They got a little more than they bargained for when the store owner opened fire on them, wounding one of the would-be robbers.



  1. MY BIG BELLY HURTS NOWJanuary 4, 2014 at 2:33 PM

    Eating Junk Food at fast food shops

  2. who needs them? you assume we do? seem's to me this country did alright when everyone was packing!
    of course back then it was mostly just white folks running around.

  3. I'm not anti-gun, but...

    Come on, you're asking the police to PREDICT when a robbery or spousal abuse is going to happen?

  4. Let's see, they are running one of the hundreds of thousands police calls per day in the USA. They are busy and lack effect amounts of manpower to be everywhere at once. They aren't the fire dept who get to sit arund the station all day waiting for calls.


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