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Saturday, January 04, 2014

A Letter To The Editor 1-4-14

Dear; Andy Harris

I am a resident of Wicomico County Maryland and I reside at 7370 Division Street, Maryland, 21874. I am a teacher in Worcester County but I reside in Wicomico County. I am writing to get your support on an issue that is very near and true to my heart, Veterans Day. I am a retire U.S. Coast Guard Chief Warrant Officer and I am completely disappointed with the State of Maryland for allowing public schools the remain open on what I feel is one of the most important holidays of the year.

I have decided to launch “Operation School Closing” I plan to gather support by having citizens of the great State of Maryland to sign a petition to prompt local State Representatives and State Senators to draft and enact legislation which would prohibit public schools from being open on Veterans Day. At the present time the decision is left with the individual county. When I first decided to addressed this issue I went to my local teachers association meeting to see who made the decision for Worcester County Schools. I found out there is a committee that decides what days the school will be open and which holidays the schools will be closed. After finding out the decision was at a local level, I started thinking this should not be left to the individual counties. I decided ALL State public schools should be closed for Veterans Day not just the county I teach in.

I therefore respectfully solicit your support to immediately develop and enact legislation to require public schools to close on every November 11, each year in observance of Veterans Day. I look forward to hearing from you.

Respectfully Submitted;

Floyd F Azbell Jr. USCG CWO3 Ret.

I have started an online petition. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/503/008/743/support-closing-maryland-school-on-veterans-day/

Mike McDermott has agreed to draft legislation to assist me.


  1. Maybe instead of closing the schools, the school day should be devoted to honoring our veterans in some fashion. Perhaps veterans could visit classes and share their experiences with the students. Students could work on projects related to helping our veterans. I don't think giving students another day off to do whatever they want teaches them anything about the meaning of Veterans Day.

  2. Great point and idea 2:22.

  3. 2:22 - Agree with using the day as a learning experience and not yet another day off.

    Back in my day (wonderful words aren't they) we learned that Veteran's Day was an outgrowth of Armistice Day, which was when the treaty ending the "War to End ALL Wars" was signed. At 11 AM a student would blow Taps in a stairway while all students stood, with hand over heart, and faced the American Flag. A lot more patriotic and mindful than parents having to again scramble for Day Care, home lunches, and increased concern over child safety.

    Back in the day the school year started the Wednesday after Labor Day and, with five snow days, ended before Memorial Day. Now with teacher in service days and so many special interest days the "Summer Vacation" period has almost disappeared. If we keep caving in to requests like this next year will be starting before the last one ends.

  4. 2:22 - You are very much correct.

  5. Asking Congress to get involved in a state matter is a waste of time.

  6. I agree with 2:22. The kids need all the help they can get when it comes to being better informed about history, and having them involved in an organized effort to help vets would be a huge bonus.

  7. Many schools are already doing as 2:22 suggests. Such observances do teach more about the meaning of the day than having time off to do nothing related to our country's proud history. We have only to look at what most folks do on Memorial Day to see that.


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