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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

WCSO Participates In The 8th Annual MLK Classic

WCSO Participates in the 8th Annual MLK Classic; Building a bridge between Law Enforcement and the Communities they serve

On Monday, January 20, 2014 DFC Jennifer Hall and DFC Glen Hilliard attended the 8th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Basketball Classics hosted in Easton, Talbot County, Maryland. DFC Hall has represented the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office at the event for the past four years. DFC Hilliard helped coach several teams for his first year attending.

The MLK Classics was established to build a bridge between law Enforcement Agencies on the Eastern Shore and the communities they serve. Children from all ages, races, and backgrounds come together to play ball. Martin Luther Kings dream of unity among men and the game of basketball combine to straighten our youth in a positive manner. This year the MLK Classic hosted more than 100 students from surrounding county schools.

This event is non-profit and would not be possible if not for the kind donations and many volunteers who keep the event running. Coaches and helpers volunteer from the following police departments in the area: Easton, Denton, Cambridge, and Wicomico County.

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