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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Backdoor Gun Control: Ammunition Background Checks And Permits Being Pushed By Lawmakers

If the California state legislature have its way, responsible gun owners will have to have a background check and permit to buy ammunition in the state.

“Anyone can walk into any gun store, a bait and tackle store, and purchase all the ammunition they want to, no questions asked,” Sen. Kevin de Leon (D), the bill’s lead sponsor, said in an interview with the Washington Post. “The ammunition is the fuel that feeds the violence. The gun itself, the handgun or the long gun or the high-powered weapon is the delivery device. The gas, the fuel, is the ammunition, and no one knows who buys it.”



  1. Is it any wonder must firearm owners are stocking up on ammunition? In addition to that, I started reloading.

  2. 6:24 I don't do reloads, but I was stocked up pre-panic, and continue to purchase when things comes up.

  3. Remember - the government just bought a gozillion rounds in all varieties....

    Time to vote these morons out!

  4. How about removing ALL restrictions on firearms and ammo? Everyone will be able to own a gun and the bad guys will eventually be killed off.

  5. Ammo background checks and face-to-face purchases only are a reality in ny...


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