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Tuesday, January 07, 2014

The Federal Reserve Is Hiring Lots Of New Armed Police Officers

Mirroring a trend seen across the federal government, the Federal Reserve is hiring a raft of new police officers and security guards, developments that some see as preparation for civil unrest.

Despite only being as “federal” as Federal Express, the Federal Reserve central banking system has its own law enforcement arm, officers belonging to which are lawfully allowed to be armed both on and off duty, including with semi-automatic pistols, assault rifles and submachine guns.

Ads posted on job websites catering for the Federal Reserve suggest that demand for law enforcement personnel and protection officers is increasing.



  1. They know the jig is almost up.

  2. This assembly of mercenaries is completely unconstitutional.

  3. America better wake up. Blood shed is the only way to get our country back. I don't think this next election will do it.


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