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Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Group Run By al Qaeda Terrorist Invited To Brief Dems On Drone Policy

Reps. Grayson, Lee invited al Qaeda sympathizer for drone briefing

The representative of a human rights group headed by a designated al Qaeda terrorist was denied a visa by the State Department after being invited by congressional Democrats to discuss drone strikes.

Mohammad Al Ahmady, the Yemen director for Geneva-based NGO Al Karama, was expected to brief Reps. Alan Grayson (D., Fla.), Barbara Lee (D., Calif.), and Jan Schakowsky (D., Ill.) the morning of the Nov. 19, according to press release from Grayson’s office.

Ahmady, who also serves as a top official in an al Qaeda-linked Yemeni political party, did not attend because of visa issues. The State Department said it could not comment on visa matters.



  1. Let's bring the enemy in for dinner. Way to go.

  2. as if Alan Grayson is not already repugnant enough

    he has to copy what N Korea is doing with Dennis Rodman


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