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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Study: Nearly Half Of Black Men Arrested By Age 23

NEW YORK (AP) — Nearly 50 percent of black men and 40 percent of white men are arrested at least once on non-traffic-related crimes by the time they turn 23, according to a new study.

One of the authors of the study published this month in the journal "Crime & Delinquency" said the statistics could be useful in shaping policy so that people aren't haunted by arrests when they apply for jobs, schools or public housing.

"Many, many people are involved with the criminal justice system at this level," said Shawn Bushway, a University at Albany criminologist. "And treating them all as if they're hardened criminals is a serious mistake."



  1. Seer well dont do the crime.

  2. "They" are arrested more....are "they" convicted more? I would say yes - because there is a higher percentage of the prison population.

    Don't ask why you're being treated like criminals all the time - until you stop acting the part!

  3. Recruiting eventualcandidates for the DOJ's UNICOR prison skills program.

    Holder and Obama have morphed this from a program that saw 25,000 pre-release individuals go through the program and learn skills for their return to society under GWB...

    ... to a Prison network of Factories making stuff like Solar Panels Drapes --furniture used in Federal Agencies--

    It employs close to a Million inmates today at $1.15 an hour -- it profited a net of 5 Billion dollars in 2012-- and is connected to Mutual Funds some of our most contentious Politicos are heavily vested in.. So Democrats and some Republicans profit by having America the Country with the highest rate of Citizens in Prison of any Country in the World--

    I have researched Financial Statements of some in Congress and the Mutual Fund's prospectus -- This is the absolute truth

  4. that is why the government doesn't want to legalize pot. because that would cut off most of their slaves.

  5. 14% of the population commits 50% of the crime.
    Why are blacks more criminal, more violent, less educated and lower functioning than whites?

  6. I truly believe the problem is genetic. I'm sure they are having the same problems in Europe as well.
    They don't seem to get along with themselves or any other race.

  7. 3:02- very small % of prison inmates have anything to do with pot.

  8. hard to believe it's only half!

  9. 3:18 Shop Walmart sometime to see your superior whites.

  10. Stop the War on Drugs. It is just like the old 18 AmendmentJanuary 22, 2014 at 11:14 PM

    8 out of every 10 black males have been in trouble with the law...

  11. No sh*t, could have fooled me.

    Most are nothing but Cancer of society.

  12. LOL 8:49 Can't we all just get along?


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