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Sunday, January 26, 2014

State’s Attorney Challenger Files

SNOW HILL — Local attorney Michael W. Farlow this week officially announced he is throwing his hat in the ring to run for Worcester County State’s Attorney, challenging incumbent Beau Oglesby in what will likely be a spirited election.

Farlow served as a prosecutor at the District Court level and later ascended to Deputy State’s Attorney under former Worcester County State’s Attorney Joel Todd. Oglesby, a Republican, filed for re-election in November.

Farlow, a Democrat, is the only candidate thus far to challenge Oglesby, and if the field remains the same, the two would square off in the general election next November.


  1. Beau has let the County down and I am happy to see Mr Farlow running, he has my families vote

  2. Mike was born and raised on the Eastern Shore and is an upstanding and respected lawyer. Now I know Beau has every right to fire and hire who he wants, but his firing of Mike four years ago was just wrong. Mike has served the Worcester community for a long time. I think that firing alone showed Beau's true character. Beau approached his job almost as a revenge and not a bringing together of people. Matt on the other hand stressed corporation and getting along. Beau promised a lot and as far as I can see has not delivered on anything . It is quiet shocking to see the difference in style and substance between Matt and Beau - Matt wins hands down!

  3. In the very least the guy should shave before having his picture taken. He looks dirty to me.

  4. The ONLY thing Beau has going for him is that he is a republican. He falls short on his handling of his job!

  5. Some people are just unbelieveable. 10:15 AM your comment is ridiculous.

  6. 11:52, I don't think it's ridiculous at all. When I saw it come in I couldn't agree more.

  7. oh great and he's a pittsville good old boy

  8. I think Beau is doing a great job!
    12:20 is right. This guy is a Good Ol' Boy and should stay in Pittsville. The one posting all the praiseworthy comments about this guy is probably that TroubleMaker Jonathan Taylor. Apparently this guy is lardo's lawyer.

  9. I think he is shaved in this picture. I think what you are seeing is scars from acne from when he was a teen.

  10. Are we really starting to attack people on the way they look? I don't think Beau is going to win any beauty competitions any time soon.

  11. While many of you may find this dude unattractive, Joanathan Taylor sure does seem to have a big crush on this fella judging from the mushy wushy things he says about him.

  12. Political buds with Ireton.

  13. I do not know Mike Farlow well, but my experiences with him have all been good and I think he is an honest, hardworking guy. I will say he is definitely left-leaning politically.

  14. I've been in court 2 times as a witness both similar circumstances. First time when Joel Todd was in command, I got a summons and that was it. It was a lady prosecutor (heavy set) and she didn't say one word to any of the witnesses, so I don't even know her name to tell it. Defendant pled guilty. She never said one word to us. Not hello, good bye, go to hell.
    Second time was entirely different under Oglesby. Received summons and a phone call. Morning of trial Prosecutor Radco (sp?) took the time to introduce himself to us and asking if we were okay with the guy pleading guilty. First time we left angry and upset and felt we had wasted our time, by taking off of work and being there.
    I will vote for Oglesby again because I like the way he handles things. That's not to say this guy wouldn't do a good job, but I'm satisfied with the way it is now.

  15. I think he stands little chance of winning unless Oglesby screws up royally between now and the election. Nothing against Farlow but the timing isn't right for someone to think they can defeat Oglesby. I know quite a few people who spend a lot of time in the county courtrooms and they are pleased with Oglesby's handling of the office.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Beau has let the County down and I am happy to see Mr Farlow running, he has my families vote

    January 31, 2014 at 9:46 AM

    Thanks Tad!

  17. Anonymous said...
    Mike was born and raised on the Eastern Shore and is an upstanding and respected lawyer. Now I know Beau has every right to fire and hire who he wants, but his firing of Mike four years ago was just wrong. Mike has served the Worcester community for a long time. I think that firing alone showed Beau's true character. Beau approached his job almost as a revenge and not a bringing together of people. Matt on the other hand stressed corporation and getting along. Beau promised a lot and as far as I can see has not delivered on anything . It is quiet shocking to see the difference in style and substance between Matt and Beau - Matt wins hands down!

    January 31, 2014 at 10:06 AM

    So it sounds to me you are admitting Mike Farlow has an agenda and it's Ok in your eyes.

  18. Mike Farlow is another liberal Obama nut. He's a weak attorney and a weak prosecutor. If you want more deals to be cut to criminals then Farlow is your man. Worcester County law enforcement couldn't stand Todd and they can't stand Farlow. They have no tolerance for a States Attorney who has no backbone. Todd had no backbone and neither does Farlow. Save your money Farlow!! Stay in private practice defending the criminals.

  19. Sorry, he's a Democrap. Show me a different Republican candidate.

    Sorry, but Dems are off my list, period.

  20. Anonymous said...
    I do not know Mike Farlow well, but my experiences with him have all been good and I think he is an honest, hardworking guy. I will say he is definitely left-leaning politically.

    January 31, 2014 at 2:43 PM

    If you don't know him then why do you have all these warm and fuzzy things to say about him. If you don't know him then how could all your experiences been so great and you never got the chance to know him. I love how Mikey is writing such nice things about himself.

  21. All the positive messages are from Mike himself. I love how anonymous works.


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