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Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Salisbury Kennel Club Obedience Classes-PROBLEM

Regretfully, Verizon’s telephone answering service for most of the Salisbury area is out of service, and has been inoperable for almost a week. Anyone who wishes to enter our classes, please just show up at the Training Center at the time listed on the website www.salisburymarylandkennelclub.org for the desired scheduled class. Schedules will be adjusted to suite your convenience, and paperwork will be handled at that time. Thank You. Barbara Furbush


  1. It would seem that there should be recourse in the courts for all the lost revenue that businesses have lost during this time. I know of at least 2 other businesses that have suffered the same consequences. Why? At least we should be given a logical reason for this massive failure. Plus... some businesses didn't realize they were even down until they lost revenue.

  2. Every time I call, Verizon promises to have the problem fixed by 5:00 o'clock. Still NOT working. Who is in charge, and why is it not fixed??

  3. Verizon doesn't have the competent staff to fix these problems any longer. Verizon has become a legion of pencil pushing clipboard carrying zombies, no actual technical "associates" exist within it's ranks. Verizon isn't interested in maintaining services at acceptable levels today, they, like most other unethical American business, are only interested in money. Verizon isn't interested in it's land-line business nor the customers of it. When current management refers to the current and former ethical, hard-working, technically superior, service concerned employees as "Bell Heads" you understand their position clearly. Verizon is a stellar example of the unprincipled greed that permeates American business today.

  4. After being out of service for over a week, Verizon's service is suddenly back in service just hours after this notice on Joe's Blog.... WAY TO GO, JOE. Thanks.

  5. Joe you should do a story on Verizon's outage. It was incredible for a week our business could not get voicemail - we were lucky that we were able to call forward to one of our cell phones. Still can't get a response from Verizon as to why this happened! I agree with 1:47 it just came back on within minutes of this posting!

  6. 10:07 we asked for a recourse and were told to contact the billing office - our office manager is trying to get a credit for the days it was out.

  7. Some one told me that the answer lies with the FCC. They apparently are the agency to answer questions about lost revenue. You know that if people lost customers because they thought the place was closed... they should be reimbursed. Try the FCC


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