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Wednesday, January 08, 2014

I’ve Opted Out Of Obamacare For Life

The creator of The Drudge Report, the biggest news aggregator on the internet, shot out a tweet today declaring that he would rather “pay the tax” than sign up for Obamacare, stating that it is “monopoly money anyway.”

Drudge has been a staunch critic of the Affordable Health Care Act since its inception, regularly carrying stories that have exposed how Obamacare has caused millions of Americans to lose their health insurance plans, and seen millions have their premiums skyrocket.

Drudge’s declaration that he would rather pay a fine than enroll via a government healthcare exchange is an opinion that is shared by many Americans.

Take cancer survivor Bill Elliot, who has opted to pay the fine for not having health insurance because he lost his existing plan and now cannot afford the new premiums in the federal exchange. Elliot explained back in November that he did not want to “burden” his family with the cost, so will instead “just let nature take its course.”

After sharing his story on national news programs and being critical of President Obama, Elliot found out that he is now being audited back to 2009 by the IRS. Even more disturbing is the fact that C. Steven Tucker, a health insurance broker who offered to help Elliot keep his insurance, is also being audited by the IRS, back ten years to 2003.

This is just one example of how Obamacare is literally ruining lives.



  1. seeming as how he can probably afford insurance on his own, he has already "opted out" of obamacare

  2. I feel the exact same way and have taken the same approach. I would rather live my remaining years (even if significantly fewer) free than under the thumbs of ten of thousands bureaucrats.

  3. So he is going to go without insurance? Guess he is rich enough to pay for his care in full.

  4. How far back can the IRS go to audit my return?
    Generally, the IRS can include returns filed within the last three years in an audit. Additional years can be added if a substantial error is identified. Generally, if a substantial error is identified, the IRS will not go back more than the last six years.

  5. lmao at 9:33 why would he have to pay half the damn country don't pay, we pay for all the welfare cases all the illegals for all the politicians. Why should he be any different than any of them?

  6. If everyone or at the majority of citizens opted out and didn't have the attitude of the easily intimidated and easily led like some of you on this comment page, Ocare would collapse on its own. get it??? get a backbone and do what's right not what's expedient.

  7. I have begun to consider that the ACA may have population control as an imbedded and unpublicized component.

  8. 9:33,do you think when the drug dealers and gang members get shot they are going to pay?

  9. I don't understand why buying a insurance policy from Blue Cross on the healthcare exchange, versus not on the exchange, is so controversial.

    For Drudge, the tax penalty is likely to be WAY higher than the insurance premium...seems like there would better ways to spend your money protesting something than giving it to the government you despise.

    At least give it to a multinational insurance corporation!


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