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Friday, January 10, 2014

Radiation Level Update 1-10-14

According to RadCast.org, waves of radiation are still hitting some areas of the U.S., and levels will likely increase in many places in coming days. Chicopee, Massachusetts is reporting levels of 44 counts per minute, with spikes of 69, and Fredericksburgh, Virginia is hovering at 37, with highs of 57. Rapid City, South Dakota is averaging 43 counts per minute, with highs of 68, and Colorado Springs is sitting at 60, with spikes of 72 counts per minute. Henderson, Nevada is reporting levels of 47 counts per minute, with spikes of 70, and Chico, California is sitting at 33, with highs of 66. Medford, Oregon is averaging 37, with peaks of 60, and Seattle, Washington is hovering at 33, with spikes of 43. RadCast.org's alert level is 100 counts per minute, but they remind us that there is no such thing as a safe level of radiation.


  1. This should bring attention to everyone who is getting radiation treatment.Regardless of what a doctor tells you,radiation is radiation.It would be called something else if it wasn't.Go alternative.

  2. That's why I try to stay out of the courthouse. They got some old guy working down there who zaps everyone who tries to enter with some type of radiation machine.

  3. Still have that "hotspot" in my basement. Yesterday it peaked out at 437. Yikes!


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