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Sunday, January 05, 2014

Question Of The Day 12-30-13

What word or phrase would you like to see disappear for 2014?


  1. Twerk. Low class Mley Cyrus.

  2. Barak Hussein Obama

  3. "Just saying." I hate that phrase!

  4. I have a lot.

    I've got your back
    Just saying (I hate this too!)
    Let me be clear (an Obama admin favorite.)
    Calling Salisbury The Bury. Sounds so ghetto.

  5. People who start sentences with "So".

  6. Jim Ireton and council members---

  7. "Selfie." Sounds like we're all in kindergarten.

  8. The "N" word. It is divisive, hurtful and has no place in a civilized world. And I mean that for all races. If it is bad for me to say it is bad for you.

  9. Actually, to the Obama crowd, I wish his name would make headlines within the month!

  10. Politically Correct

  11. 6:43 grow up. How about politically correct?

  12. OBAMA!!!!!! Worst thing America ever did was vote him in!! How's it working for those of you who voted for him?!

  13. Its because Bush and the Republicans,,,,

  14. Obama...Hillary...Democrats...

  15. At the end of the day.

  16. It was obvious that most would say Obama. I too would like this , however knowing that it won't happen , I will say Muslims.

  17. Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Boehner and McConnell

  18. triple track Doppler radar

  19. Diversity/diverse. As soon as someone says the word I know they are nothing but well trained, all obeying robots of the Thought Police.

    Hoodie-Another extremely ghetto sounding word.

    Newsplex instead of studio. WBOC's guilty of this.

    Affordable Housing-The jerks who use this phrase are only fooling the illiterates among us. Call it what it is-The Projects.

    Offensive-The word du jour for weak minded people. Strong people aren't offended-ever.

  20. anonymous 10:21, I got a kick out of your comment. Last night I was watching WBOC, maybe it was the night before. Nevertheless they called Travels With Charlie a "reporter" yet they call all of the others "Bureau Chiefs". Is it because they're not good enough to be called reporters? Things that make you go, hmmmmm?

  21. I would like to see 3 Eastern Shore specials leave forever.As follows:"Whole nother","neither narry",and "supposeably".You know who you are.

  22. per all the weather people. the phrase/word "during the overnight". pitiful.

  23. Obama, DHS, NSA, IRS, Holder, McCain, Reid, U.N., Liarton, D.O.T., gays, liberals, NDAA, Patriot act, lapdog media, gun registration, unemployment, wow, guess I got carried away.

  24. LOL Joe-"Bureau chiefs"-Please! People need to stop trying to reinvent the wheel in an attempt to inflate their importance. WBOC is what it is and that's a small town news station in a STUDIO on Rt 13 that employs reporters as well as others.

  25. Rich W. Mike D. Tim R. Gary B. and last but not leas Mike L.

  26. i wish brian keane would stop saying "REENFORCING SHOT" and "COLD CANADIAN AIR" do canadian weather people ever refer to "warm american air"?, i doubt it!! also can't stand "boots on the ground", "brick and mortar", "lockdown", the word "physical" when referring to silver or gold, "refi", saying "Issue" when you should be saying the word PROBLEM, also "we can do this", "let's do this", and any mention of throwing anybody "under the bus".

  27. Offensive-The word du jour for weak minded people. Strong people aren't offended-ever.

    December 31, 2013 at 10:21 AM

    Or maybe they are too dumb to know when they are offended?

  28. "I Want to Pick Your Brain".....wish that would go away especially since I am in business and have enough to think about. Do I go into my Doctor's office and tell him I want to pick his Brain? NO!!!!

  29. Another one...."Think Out Of the Box". that also drives me crazy!

  30. Just saying
    Class act
    Get up with

    Ending sentences with prepositions.

  31. I'd like to "axe" a question.

  32. 10:16-hardly and quite the opposite is true. The schools I attend, which were and are very exclusive (when I checked last, the 'high school' was $40.000/yr.) taught us that we are never to be offended. We were taught people being people, are of all makeups and personalities and being offended is tied to a victim mentality.
    Those with a victim mentality are weak minded individuals who crave attention, something else which should be frowned upon. A victim mentality is tied to the lower spectrum of the IQ scale.

  33. High End
    Happy Dance
    Rollout-as in obamacare and all the other obamacareisms that the average person can't understand much less those dumb enough to want sign up for it.
    Meds instead of medicine.
    App instead of appetizer. I went out to a restaurant not so long ago and the husband kept on saying he was just getting some "apps" and I had no idea what he was talking about.
    Colloquialisms aren't my thing so a lot bothers me in this area.

  34. Reach across the aisle
    Kick the can down the road
    Let me be perfectly clear

  35. 12:40, anybody who can spell colloquialism is a winner in my book!

  36. Kick the can down the road
    Reach across the aisle
    No problem (in response to thank you)

  37. stunning high definition, its no different than 47' s picture or any other channels high definition. I am sick of 16, I had drivers ed and I know to wear a coat when it is cold. to 8:46 amen

  38. "Undocumented worker" instead of illegal alien

    "Job Creator" instead of fat cat republican

    2 i'd like to see gone...



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