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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

O’Malley’s Irish Ghost Writer, And A Wee Tale Of Speechifying

Gov. Martin O’Malley solved part of the mystery about the odd quote in his State of the State address last week.

“The only things worth doing are the things that might possibly break your heart,” O’Malley said.

As MarylandReporter.com wrote here last week, it is a partial quote from an Irish writer named Colum McCann.

We ran into O’Malley attending a Monday night kick-off party for the Center Maryland “magazine,”a slim 16 pages of columns and interviews, with O’Malley on the cover.


  1. Duh you just realizing omally never had an original thought

  2. Blimey, go back to IRELANDJanuary 29, 2014 at 11:37 AM

    Is this the CLOWN who wrote the ANTI-GUN LAWS?


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