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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

28th Anniversary Of Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

We are remembering the disaster of the space shuttle Challenger which exploded back on January, 28th, 1986.

Seven astronauts died on that launch exactly twenty-eight years ago.

One was school-teacher Christa McAuliffe.

The challenger shuttle broke apart 73- seconds into its flight.

NASA did not try again for almost three years.

The disaster changed the design of rocket boosters and forced NASA to create a new office of safety.



  1. This was also watched live in just about every school across the country because of the first "Teacher", in space.
    Many children were traumatized by seeing them all explode on live TV. It had to be explained how they were all blown apart to those kids!

  2. A Democrat Voter who worships Obama's feetJanuary 29, 2014 at 11:31 AM

    George Bushes fault

    1. You are a freakin idiot!!!! Not president bush fault.... really!!!! Go flush your Obama worshipping feet down the toilet!!!! Cause that's where you both belong.


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