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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Ocean City Considering Adding ‘No Profanity’ Signs To Boardwalk

OCEAN CITY – City officials are currently exploring options, including looking to a neighboring resort for research, about new signage suggesting no profanity on the Boardwalk.

The idea of posting “no profanity signs” on the Boardwalk was brought before the Police Commission this week. Commission members thought it was a creative concept, but the Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) would have no right in lawfully enforcing the signage, it was pointed out.

The signage was brought forward by a constituent of Council Secretary Mary Knight, who in turn passed the concept forward to the Police Commission.

The signs have been spotted on Virginia Beach’s Boardwalk and nearby locations, and Knight has been in contact with the Virginia Beach City Manager’s Office to gather feedback.


  1. Incredible! Say goodbye to ALL of the vacationers from New York and New Jersey. I guess that includes me too. You can take the boy out of the Bronx but you can't take the Bronx out of the boy.

  2. funny. I thought it was one of the best family resorts. Looks like that is only a marketing gimmick if you need to put up no cussing signs.

  3. It's done wonders for VaBeach! /sarcasm

  4. Do they just sit down there and think up these stupid things to make us look like fools. Grow up.

  5. I can't take my dog on the beach, I can't take alcohol on the beach, I can't smoke on the beach, and now I can't cuss on the beach. Plus they have added more cameras to watch me on the beach. Sounds like a place I really want to go. NOT!

  6. I want to know WHO is going to make up the list of what words are to be considered as "profanity".. I do not know of ANY word that is now considered to be profane. Except maybe N-----, and that is only politically incorrect.

  7. Enforceable or not I think it's a great idea.

  8. At the Avenue at White Marsh they will escort you right off the property if you use profanity and it's overheard and reported.

  9. We already know in society it's wrong, to some. However, how do you think a big guy from NY will take it when some rainbow guy comes along and says, you better ssssstopit. Its going to cause a LOT more trouble than a guy like me that will just keep walking because it sounds like an old grandfather clock that's been chiming for years, you just don't hear it any more.

    Now, that being said. IF someone is abusive with really foul language around my Wife or Grandson, I'm already going to walk up to them very stern and say, excuse me but I'm with my Wife and Grandson. Would you mind refraining from using such profanity around them. Thank You.

    I don't need a Police Officer handling what can easily be done in a gentleman kind of way.

    So I think the one commenter is right. Don't these Legislators have anything better to do that to throw another Liberal twist on laws already in place and or laws (and even FAKE ones) that simply are none of their business.

  10. you mean i can't tell someone to go f--ck yourself any more while i am in o c ?

  11. Ocean city can't even put up a simple comfort station.....they can't do anything right.... Like that Pepsi sign on the Ferris wheel.... I'm sure coke reps like seeing that when they come to town. How about some paint, cleaning, some fresh thinking???? Not on the shore obviously....


  12. Looks like the light bulb ban has affected OC's ability to generate bright ideas!

    Next up:

    No 'breaking wind' signs

    Truck scales at boardwalk entrances to charge overweight tourists for the extra wear & tear they'll cause to the boards.

    Bringing Nanny Bloomberg to town to ban greasy fries and large sodas.

    Etc, etc!

  13. 8:51 PM said Like that Pepsi sign on the Ferris wheel.... I'm sure coke reps like seeing that when they come to town.

    The town had nothing to do with the Pepsi signs on the Ferris wheel. They are private owned signs. I am pretty sure that the Coke reps had the opportunity to bid on those signs as well (Twice)


  14. sadly enough, it's the kids more so than the adults. talk to any of the store owners down on the boardwalk and they tell you that the language used by the 13 thru 17 year old kids is absolutely atrocious. It's not just one word here or one word there. It's a constant flow. Perhaps they are trying to impress their friends with how much they can get away with. It's bad... but these signs will only stir things up.

  15. Good luck with the enforcement.

  16. This is the brilliant leadership of Margaret Pillas.

  17. I am speaking about ocean city as a whole... It's run down.... Besides the new board walk that indeed was nicely done. Some fresh paint from end to end...finish the stupid comfort station, bring back the play places on the beach.. My kids loved them. Ocean city has become an over priced tourist trap.... Time to change that. To the miniature golf shops.... How about revamping some holes and keep it fresh. Tourism numbers have dropped steadily over the years and it's not hard to see why. To the locals...... Treat the tourists like gold.... They pay your bills and deserve to be treated as such. You need to attract tourists not rip them off. Ocean city has lost a lot of its charm but it's not to late.

  18. I wish that a Hurricane would hit OC and wipe it off the map! This place is such a dumpy run down place it brings property values down here on the shore!

  19. F-u & your signs as well!


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