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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Mitt Romney Finally Admits What We All Knew: They “Had To Steal The Republican Nomination” From Ron Paul

A new documentary about the life of Mitt Romney reveals a loosely hidden truth: Romney and his followers “had to steal” the Republican nomination from Dr. Ron Paul during the 2012 Presidential Elections.

The documentary, called “Mitt“, was aired at the Sundance Film Festival. Near the end, Romney states:

“In some ways we kind of had to steal the Republican nomination. Our party is Southern, evangelical, and populist. And you’re Northern, and you’re a Mormon, and you’re rich. And these do not match well with our party.”

Tell us something we didn’t know.



  1. That was the last go around for Ron Paul unfortunately,and personally I like him better than Rand.

  2. We were forced to miss a grand opportunity to embrace reality.

  3. I'll tell you something we do know. The USA would be in much better hands if Mitt Romney had been elected president. Mitt has been incredibly successful in business, politics and in his personal life. And then there is our current president...

  4. What the republican party did was nationally televised for everyone to see but nobody did anything about it. Disgusting. Will never vote for another republican again.

  5. Screw Ron Paul and his supporters. Some people are just idiots.


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