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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Audit: Assessments & Taxation Dept. Doesn’t Inspect Property To Assess Values As Often As Required; Doesn’t Audit Personal Property Tax Returns Or Credits

The state Assessments and Taxation Department hasn’t performed regular physical inspections of individual properties to support property assessments as required by state law for “many years,” legislative auditors found.

The department also did not audit or review business personal property tax returns or homeowner tax credits, and it doesn’t perform sufficient data matches to look for businesses who fail to file personal-property tax returns, according to an audit report released last month.

Maryland’s Department of Assessments and Taxation (DAT) administers real and personal property tax laws, issues corporate charters and collects certain state revenues, such as business gross receipts taxes. It does not collect real property or income taxes and it doesn’t set property tax rates.


  1. Sooo... we paid them to play candy crush and take pictures of their crap food for instagram?

    Government workers are a slight step above welfare recipients. No work, more money.

  2. Holy crap!!!! This is shocking!!! But it will be swept under the rug and nothing will change. All excess State funds have to go to that stupid health exchange website and there is nothing left over to run the real government.

  3. This means that everyone's assessments are open to challenge in court. Let's do it!


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