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Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Md. Superintendent Cyberbullied Over Opening Schools

Some tweets were funny; others were threatening to superintendent and his family

The superintendent of schools in Montgomery County, Md., became the target of cyber bullies for the second time in less than a month after deciding to keep the county's schools open during Tuesday's record low temperatures.

Following news that an arctic blast would bring record-breaking temperatures and wind chills near minus 20 degrees to the area, many school districts in the area canceled classes for Tuesday. But D.C. Public Schools and Montgomery County Schools announced classes would be in session.



  1. Roads were clear, schools had heat. No reason to cancel classes. And I think I saw a tweet in that video where someone asks him if he will provide coats and mittons?? Really?? What parent, especially in Montgomery County, cand give their kid a coat and gloves? Maybe if they were so worried about them walking to school they could have driven them.

  2. And guess what those little darlings would be doing if school was cancelled because it was so cold? They would be playing outside.

  3. anonymous 9:10, My Grandson was home all day yesterday and stepped outside to see how cold it was. Within seconds he was back in the house. I walked to the mail box yesterday, (mind you, it's a good walk) and by the time I got to the mailbox my face was colder than I can ever recall. The walk back was miserable. I stood right in front of the fireplace for several minutes until I warmed back up. It was simply cold and miserable yesterday and I doubt anyone was playing outside.

  4. If parents think its too cold to send kids to school, then don't send them. If you can't figure this out maybe you aren't smart enough to be parents. It starts at home people/ parents. Today's society always looking to blame someone for something or just complain about something. Try being an adult and a positive example for your children.


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