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Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Doctor: You Don't Have ADHD. No One Does

Self Diagnoses Skyrocketing With Patients Seeking Stimulant Drugs

Do you take Adderall or Ritalin to deal with your inability to concentrate? Do you often proclaim that you, or your child perhaps, can’t sit still? You can’t concentrate or focus on tasks? Have you been diagnosed with ADHD? Well a new book written by neurologist Richard Saul is something you might want to pay your scant attention to.

The new book is titled “ADHD Does Not Exist: The Truth About Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder” and it’s likely to cause some people to actually pay attention. After his long career of treating patients, many self diagnosed, with short attention spans, Saul believes that ADHD is actually a collection of symptoms, not a disease. He doesn’t believe that it should be listed in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual.



  1. Finally!!!! It's called be a parent!!!! So tired of excuses for children!!

  2. There was an op-ed piece in the New York Times about a month ago about how much lower the rate of ADD/ADHD diagnoses is in kids in France. Legitimate cases of ADD/ADHD there are treated with individual and family therapy, not with drugs. A second article a couple of weeks ago discussed adult ADD/ADHD and suggested that these are fictions created by the drug companies.

  3. I wonder if France gives disability payments to kids who can't (won't is more apt) pay attention and like to fight the kids who go to school to learn?


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