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Sunday, January 05, 2014

Mayor Jim Ireton Says, Do As I Say, Not As I Do

"Plowing residential streets will ONLY occur if the snow accumulation exceeds FOUR INCHES or more".

"Property owners are required to clear snow and ice from sidewalks surrounding their property within 24 hours after the snow or ice stops falling".

Publishers Notes: It seems pretty clear to me, the City has no money left after the New Years Eve event. So you follow your leader and get out there and shovel your sidewalks or Jimmy is going to send you a FINE to build up their account for the next time it snows and maybe then they can afford to plow the roads and make it SAFE enough for you to go to the store, the doctor and the hospital. 

As you can see, the roads in Salisbury this morning are packed down with snow and icy conditions and it is NOT safe at all to get around. 

You know, in the past you have to wonder what your elected officials thought whenever we published something like this. Oh, it's no big deal, no one really goes to his Site. Today they have to be thinking, I better take a laxative for that brick that's about to come out. 


  1. then i will clean my sidewalk when we get 4" or more

  2. I want to know how they get the heck off charging us taxes to pay for snow removal and they refuse to do it... then can and will send you a fine for them not removing the snow or ice...

  3. It isn't just the mayor crapping a brick the local media competition is crapping one to. If it wasn't for you we wouldn't know how screwed were getting.

  4. If Ireton is anything like Barrie Tighlman, he got city employees clearing his sidewalks.

  5. Looks like you were snapping photos while you were driving on these "dangerous icy conditions."

    Who's the irresponsible one?

  6. You people don't understand. The official Democrat measurement for snowfall was 3.94 inches. You know like "At this point, what difference does it make"?

  7. anonymous 10:36, you people truly crack me up. The vehicle was STOPPED when the picture was taken. Get a life.

  8. It has always been the city's policy. This policy is pretty common in all towns. Now Joe, get to Salisbury and clean your walks and while your doing that, please slip and bust your skull wide open, so we can all see that infested peanut brain of yours.

  9. anonymous 10:46, oh you can believe I'll be down there today shoveling the snow and actually doing what the City requires. Now let's look at my history. I not only shovel my sidewalks when I'm there. I shovel many other business locations because I usually do it early in the morning before some of them arrive. If it snows enough I bring my snow blower and plow the entire Downtown Plaza sidewalks on BOTH sides. I then go out to the elderly, seniors and handicapped and take care of them as well.

    So do tell us what YOU do for others who are not capable of doing it themselves? Yeah, I think we all know what the answer to that question is. Your probably sitting back in your scooter watching free cable, massively reduced rent and enjoying bon bon's at taxpayers expense.

    I haven't cracked my head open yet but I'm sure you'll have instant pictures if I do.

    1. What a saint, better call Pope Francis

  10. Fall and Sue the City

  11. 10:46-WRONG! It is NOT pretty common! Some of you people obviously have never been out in the real world otherwise you would know how grossly uninformed you are! Either that or you are lying! I've lived all over and yes, they always plow no matter the amount when the temperatures are not expected to go above freezing!
    Now go an bump your head and maybe you will then wise up.

  12. Awww...is little Jakey Day getting butt hurt?

  13. Anonymous said...
    Looks like you were snapping photos while you were driving on these "dangerous icy conditions."

    Who's the irresponsible one?

    January 3, 2014 at 10:36 AM

    Hey DUMBO the car was at a complete stop when the picture was taken. The roads are to dangerous to drive and take pictures.

    I am wondering if this is Jim or Chuck posting these attacks?

  14. what monies did the city supposedly spend on the new years eve event, if so you should be able to get receipts showing where the city spent the monies

  15. I have no problem with that. Where I come from this is a dusting Most anyone who exercises caution and drives sensibly should be able to navigate the streets. I did my sidewalk with a broom. Save the money for something more meaningful.

  16. I hear the City Police are running on a large amount of car accidents because of the snow and ice. I certainly hope there are now serious accidents because the city will be held responsible.

  17. Refuse to comply with any code, statute, law, etc. that is meant only for the people and excludes the ruling class. Time to figure out what issues you will no longer abide. Draw your line in the...err...snow?

  18. How many of you idiots on here have ever plowed PACKED snow? You can't!


  19. If Ma Nature will 'bury us in snow the mayor will lets the plows operate!

  20. Now there is a good idea let's spend thousands of dollars today to break out the plows for little more then a dusting. Have any of you actually watched a snow plow at work. I for one can tell you having been around a few and operated snow plows on many occasions that plowing this little amount of snow on city streets is a waste of money. The plows are basically useless with less then about 4 to 5 inches of snow . the reason is city roads are not paved flat . neither is a highway. City roads have what's called a crown in the road most notable in the center of the road. What most people don't realize is when a paver is setup to pave the center of the paver is set with a small crown in the screen. So even a single lane road which may look flat is not. Now take in effect traffic on the road leaves ruts at least an inch or so deep. Now take that same road with snow on it say 4in deep plow it and see what you have. The plow for the most part is not effective. Hence the reason when you drive behind a plow in a storm there is still snow on the road a cpl inches deed. Take it for what it is but IMO it would be a waste of money.

  21. Salt doesn't work well in temperatures this low, that is why it was important to plow over night. The wind causes even more than 6" of drifting snow across some roadways. Now it's packed down, salt won't work because it's too cold, the roads are sheet of ice for days making for hazard conditions.

    You'd think Tom Stevenson would know those kind of facts with the position he seeks, he either failed his first emergency or Ireton shot him down for plowing.

  22. The reason they don't plow until 4 inches is because the city uses a solid metal lip on their plows. The State uses rubber edge plow blades. The solid edge plows can cause damage to roads if the plow is any lower. They hit manhole covers and other uneven surfaces. I hope this sheds some light on your concerns.

    1. You got it backwards. The City, until last year, used rubber blades. The state uses steel blades because they don't have near the number of manholes on most of their roads. Rubber blades are useless unless you can salt all of your roads.

  23. chuckie, here's the deal. First of all, thank you for the technical description. However, thousands of people are required to show up for work in the morning. If sand had been put down in advance the roads wouldn't be nearly as bad.

    To me, I pay taxes and get ZERO services from the City, NOTHING. The least the City could do is make sure someone like myself had clear roads to get to our property in the morning to make sure the walkways are cleared. Again, we PAY TAXES for this exact service, yet the Mayor refuses to do what WE have PAID in advance for.

    Public Works used to clear the sidewalks on the Plaza, now they're not required to. They used to spray for weeds, now they don't have to. They're supposed to pull weeds and mow grass, now they rarely, (if ever) do. This is NOT a knock on Public Works. I'm simply saying, as our taxes go UP, we get LESS services and WE are the ones who take all the risks.

    To top it off, if we do NOT pull the weds, shovel the snow and what have you, WE get FINED.

    The taxpayers money was spent on New Years Eve instead.

  24. Hey Chuckie
    Then hows come they PLOWED state roads?? That alone negates your theory.
    And... Rt 50 in OC was in much better condition than Rt 50 in Smallsbury.
    I was puttering on my way to OC early this morning.
    And yes, there are accidents ALL over the place. But what do you expect when you have some moron driving 25 mph in the passing lane.

  25. My county roads are clear... fire is lit (IN MY YARD), and guns are being loaded. Such is life outside of the 'bury walls.

    1. Thank you for recognizing that the County plowed. They started about 10:30 pm Thursday and plowed through the day on Friday.

  26. Joe i get what your saying . I think the fines people of Salisbury deal with is enough to keep anyone away. And I can see where salt on intersections would be a great help. All I was stating is a plow would be more or less useless. Now Annie I'll try to help you understand what I was saying. I'm sorry if I didn't go in depth enough for you to understand. Take in effect Gary's post add it with what I had said it should help you understand the thought process I was going with. Sand would be a better choice then wasting money on a plow on city streets. County is a whole other animal all together. Hope this helps

  27. It was not that you "did not go in-depth enough for me to understand."

    What you said was not valid as to not plowing when in fact the county/state did and the city did not.

    Don't back peddle to make it look like others do not comprehend when you are not supporting a valid argument and come off with an attitude.

    I had already read Garys post and understood the difference. At least he made sense and made a valid point. You did not. Crown or no crown, the county/state plowed the city did not.

    Was that in-depth enough for you to comprehend?

  28. yes he had the money for the stupid bike trails to the downtown from SU and to repave Camden Ave

  29. 3:20 that was so they could weebly wobbly home on their bikes, and not drink and drive from the bar crawl.
    Pretty spectacular timing to have those lanes up and running in time for the crawl home.

  30. Watch Joe you can get a ticket for plowing the plaza it's not your responsibility and the mayor will give you a ticket.

  31. Oh, crap! Nobody told us there were crowns in the road! Who knew? We've been making our snowplows flat for a hundred years, and now all of a sudden, somebody crowned all the roads this year? Man, am I P.O.'d! If Ida known, I coulda curved the bottom of my plows! Jeeeze!

    Well, no reason to plow roads any more! I'll just close up the plow making business...

  32. Annie if you can't see why most county roads where plowed with speed limits at 50 miles an hour vs. Ohio ave being plowed no one can help you. As far as having an attitude towards you I don't. All though i m starting to see why many on here do have issues with you.

    Now you can lower yourself like you normally do and start with the name calling if you like. I promise it won't hurt my feelings.

  33. He continues to do what he wants, because most citizens are afraid to make waves.

  34. anonymous 10:46, My sidewalks are all cleared and unfortunately I did not slip and fall and crack my head open. Sorry Jimmy, no fines for Joe Albero, AGAIN.

  35. 6:07 Hey Upchuckie

    Wasn't my point, but enjoy making stuff up as you go along, it only makes you look more petty than you already do.

    And my feelings do not get hurt by your low brow insults. I consider the source.

    I didn't say plow an alley but a main thoroughfare would be nice. Sorry you were not intelligent enough to figure that out for yourself.

    And by the comments I do not see anyone taking a shining to your personality.

    Was that in-depth enough for you to comprehend?

    Troll along...

  36. 6:07 why would you plow ohio ave, when according to you they can't plow because of a crown, not enough inches, and gotta use sand, but .. its ok to plow county roads?
    what is it dude, can you make up your mind?

  37. Hi my name is chuckie, wanna come over and play with my plow, I will let you wear my crown.
    bring your own sand.

  38. when it is 4 inches or more, i might

  39. Why does city have to spend one nickel on nye? Aren't the patrons attending being charged?

  40. the street behind us is a sheet of ice & college KIDS are speeding & trying to slide on it. Sidewalking is dangerous because of it!

  41. At least everyone has plenty of food if the pre snow grocery store lines meant anything.

  42. I don't know anything about plows and crowns, but up north, it's salt when it snows one inch and plow when it reaches 2 inches, whether it stops snowing then or continues. The reason 2" is the norm is because common sense dictates that it should be moved off of road surfaces so they can dry so a sheet of ice isn't formed when temps drop overnight. Whomever said 4" is the norm is full of crap.

  43. They should all be required to take snow removal classes from Buffalo NY. Few are capable of driving in it, and the lack of action on the city's part only makes the situation worse and creates more accidents.

  44. Anonymous said...
    what monies did the city supposedly spend on the new years eve event, if so you should be able to get receipts showing where the city spent the monies

    January 3, 2014 at 11:56 AM

    The monies spent were overtime pay for the police officers, EMS and Firemen and public works employees. Money spent during regular hours were for the police department and public works. This event is not part of their regular job duties so it was very apparent that money was spent on this event.

  45. Anonymous said...
    I have no problem with that. Where I come from this is a dusting Most anyone who exercises caution and drives sensibly should be able to navigate the streets. I did my sidewalk with a broom. Save the money for something more meaningful.

    January 3, 2014 at 11:58 AM

    You don't live in the city and pay city taxes so of course you don't have a problem with it. If you had the grass patrol giving your property citations all year long you would have a problem with it. You did not sweep the snow with a broom because there was to much to sweep. My boy had to use the shovel so get a grip and quit trolling.

  46. Anonymous said...
    How many of you idiots on here have ever plowed PACKED snow? You can't!

    January 3, 2014 at 12:49 PM

    And your point is?

  47. Gary said...
    The reason they don't plow until 4 inches is because the city uses a solid metal lip on their plows. The State uses rubber edge plow blades. The solid edge plows can cause damage to roads if the plow is any lower. They hit manhole covers and other uneven surfaces. I hope this sheds some light on your concerns.

    January 3, 2014 at 1:02 PM

    Ummm.... Gary, an inch doesn't make a difference and who is out their measuring. I have seen numerous highways being plowed with metal plows. Guess what? Many of those plows are from citizens dump truck owners on contract. Many if not all of the State plows are metal because rubber wears out to quick. Quit lying for the city you look like a moron.

  48. Anonymous said...
    yes he had the money for the stupid bike trails to the downtown from SU and to repave Camden Ave

    January 3, 2014 at 3:20 PM

    How come the stupid bike trails aren't lined? It is not a safe bike trail unless it is lined. There is not enough room for a bike trail anyway. Putting those stupid bike decals in the road to encourage bikers is a law suit for the city waiting to happen when someone gets killed. I ride on the sidewalk or I don't ride at all.

  49. 12:49
    You shouldn't let the roads get that way in the first place. Salt the roads when the snow starts and get the plows out there. Waiting for the snow to stop and then the plows go out does NOT work.
    I was watching the traffic cams in Maryland as this storm was coming. The roads on the other side of the bridge were wet but they were not covered in snow.

  50. "I ride on the sidewalk or I don't ride at all."

    January 5, 2014 at 2:54 PM

    Riding a bicycle on the sidewalk is against the law, same as any other vehicle.

  51. Anonymous said...
    "I ride on the sidewalk or I don't ride at all."

    January 5, 2014 at 2:54 PM

    Riding a bicycle on the sidewalk is against the law, same as any other vehicle.

    January 5, 2014 at 4:11 PM

    To bad moron. Let a cop stop me and force me to ride on the dangerous road. BTW please cite the source of your law.

    Thanks for posting Jim.

  52. 9:43, you are welcome, and thank you for clearing the roads for those of us who had no choice but to be on them.

  53. Salisbury has 24 hours to remove the snow from the roads or stiff fines will be imposed. Oh wait, fines are only for the citizens


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