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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Mayor Challenges Report Claiming Salisbury Is 4th Dangerous U.S. City

Salisbury, on Maryland's Eastern Shore, was recently listed as one of the top five most dangerous places to live in the U.S. on the website Neighborhood Scout. Salibury Mayor Jim Ireton says there is more to the story of the city's safety. The mayor says the statistics cited in the report aren't up to date.

Hanging on the wall above Ireton's desk area are more than a dozen sheets of paper listing monthly crime statistics at different hotspot locations throughout the city.

"If you look at today, we are looking at 475 fewer 'Part 1' crimes from this time last year, and almost a thousand -- about 919 -- fewer than two years ago," says Ireton.

Ireton says Part 1 crimes such as rape, murder, and robbery are down by almost 33 percent. But, it's no secret that Salisbury hasn't been the safest place on the shore in recent years, as the city has been battling a significant spike in violent crime, gang activity and prostitution.

Yet, Ireton says that spike in crime does not equate to the claims made in the recent report, which says Salisbury is the fourth most dangerous place to live in the country. He says that, per capita, residents are more likely to be a victim of violent crime than in big cities like Detroit, Philadelphia, Baltimore and D.C.

"These numbers are not accurate," Ireton says. "They don't reflect the current reality and they don't reflect the amount of effort that our officers are making on the streets everyday."



  1. We as residents of this Battle zone need to be allowed to carry arms to protect ourselves and our families! Where are those stupid useless representatives we pay to get a law passed for us?

  2. i you push the calls to the state and county it looks like numbers drop in the City. lol

  3. Its just unicorns and rainbows around here.

  4. Top 100 communitys??????

  5. His math might work on school kids but it's not fooling us.

  6. Mayor y don't u walk the westside around 12 am Alone and do a survey on crime...u fn hypocrite.???????

  7. Mayor is on crack

  8. All American city what a joke! Salisbury has turned into slumlord land and not one thing anyone can do about. Salisbury will continue to get worse and run down as long as there are rental properties.

  9. The numbers don't add up to the way Democrats count them. Heck, if we got O'Smelly to do it, everybody in town would be wearing Angel wings!

    Well, everybody except you, Joe! LOL!

  10. Armed residents need to take back the city. It's time for the thugs to be afraid to live here.

  11. How about putting some effort into creating more jobs

  12. I think Annie recently said something like, "..ashamed to live here."
    Now you know why, and I concur.

  13. It would be cool if Joe would become part of the statistics. Rejoice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. The mayor has once again proven his head is anally embedded. Instead of fighting a report be proactive a say what is being done and how it has a proven track record. In other words realize a problem and fight it. Why is this such a difficult thing to understand? I am trying to move and he and his puppets are the reason
    I've raised my standards Salisbury so Up Yours

  15. mayers comments are contradicting the mayers remarks.

  16. My observation was similar to Ben's. The crime problem is akin to someone who is a substance abuser.
    First the abuser has to admit the substance is damaging and they have a problem. Liberals/enablers like to say the abuser is in "denial." No, it's called lying. The abuser is lying when they say they don't have a problem. After the problem has been admitted, only then can real changes and solutions be brought forth and acted upon, in order for improvement to occur.

  17. Ireton's new catch phrase I came up with after listening to years of his lies and never hearing him admit to any of his many mistakes -
    "Ireton, liarton, pants on fireton."

  18. Of course the pansy homo mayor is going to protect his reputation. He has been caught in another lie again. Crime is down, crime is down. That is pure BS.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Mayor y don't u walk the westside around 12 am Alone and do a survey on crime...u fn hypocrite.???????

    January 10, 2014 at 2:52 PM

    Great suggestion. I am sure the pansy Homo would refuse to walk down Delaware Avenue.


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