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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Is Mayor Jim In Over His Head And Drowning On Campaign Promises?

Perhaps jumping the gun and not realizing the severity of the health of the Wicomico River, Jim Ireton promised citizens he would make the Wicomico River swim able in 10 years. Perhaps he never thought he'd see a second term, I don't know.

What I do know is that the health of the Wicomico River is nowhere near clean enough after 5 of those years to actually start believing another Liberal Lie. 

While the Salisbury Waste Water Treatment Plant continues to pollute the Wicomico River and we provide FACTUAL information proving Salisbury is at the very top polluter in the entire State of Maryland, I highly doubt Mayor Ireton will be able to put those swimming trunks back on, (with exception to Rehoboth) in Salisbury. 


  1. there's something disturbing about that last picture

  2. What is your problem Albero, you're acting like a jealous little girl. This City is going to get better and better for it's citizens while you and your mindless lemming followers are left behind in the dust. You are irrelevant.

  3. anonymous 9:14, Call me old fashioned but I come from a generation in which we men of our word.

    If you run a campaign, (as Jim did five years ago) based on the fact that you are going to use every resource possible to clean the River, you do everything in your power to stop the overflows from the WWTP.

    We continue to provide proof and evidence that shows Mayor Ireton is NOT fulfilling his campaign platform and is failing the taxpayers.

    God Forbid a guy like me actually call a Liberal out for his lies. comment here "anonymously" and expect people to believe things are going to get better? OK, where?

    We'll be waiting for your reply and don't say new bike lanes because I highly doubt people are goingto like that answer.

  4. Jimmy the mouthbreather, he should swim in the river when his 10 years is up

  5. I beg to differ, 9:14 AM- The river is a s***hole. It was one of Jim's major running points, and it's a failure, hands down.

    I join you in hoping that the city gets better for her citizens, and yes Ireton and company are trying-I think the direction that they're moving in is irresponsible, fool-hardy and wrong, however.

    Love or hate him, Joe has done immeasurable good for this area, and I thank and salute him for it.

  6. You are the problem 9:14. Those of us with high standards expect results or at the minimum a good measure of trying, which hasn't occurred w/the river. The problem are people like you, who didn't have a good upbringing with role models who taught you to have high expectations.

  7. anonymous 10:45, anonymous 9:14 was raised to like those strangers who'd say, hey little child, would you like some free candy! Could explain the Jimmy thing too.

  8. By allowing this immoral piece of human garbage to swim in our river at any time would be just adding to the pollution problem!!

  9. Gay Football Player at Salisbury University studying Transgender studiesJanuary 15, 2014 at 11:41 AM

    omg they are almost nude....

  10. wonder if Jimmy was the pivot man in that pic?

  11. Those pictured are the same bunch that patronize The Cracker Barrel in Rehomo.Keep it 45 miles away from us.

  12. Like it or not, Ireton was elected Mayor of my city. Yes, he is gay. So what! That's his choice. At least he is trying to better the city. What the hell are you all doing but sitting on your couch and finding fault in everything he does. Move, move, move out of Salisbury if you don't like it or get the hell off your ass and run for that position and see if you can do better.

  13. anonymous 4:43, now that's funny. Move, get out. Well, guess what. I just did by selling my building because I have completely lost faith in Salisbury's future. I made a BIGGER investment in Salisbury and guess what, I did get off my ass and ran for Mayor. I put my money and my actions where my mouth is and I didn't/don't hide behind anonymous and tell people to MOVE or GET OUT.

    My Mother In Law sold her home for $135,000.00, was worth at least $250,000.00. Salisbury is one of the worst investments anyone could make.

    We elected our first black president, HOW'S IT WORKING FOR YOU?

    We elected our first Gay Mayor, HOW'S IT WORKING FOR YOU?

    Just ask yourself this simple question, ALL OF YOU. How's your SAVINGS account over the past 5 years doing? I'll leave it at that.

  14. That bottom picture looks like the beginnings of a gay porn film. Where are the women?

  15. Stupid is as stupid does.


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