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Saturday, January 11, 2014

If You Don’t Want A Google+ Stranger You’ve Never Met To Email You, Opt Out Now

If you’re a Gmail user who likes to keep tight control of your inbox, with nary a missive gone unread, you probably noticed an announcement from Google last night waving the carrot of: “Contact more people you know.” Sounds great! But what it really means is that anyone on Google+ can email you, even if they don’t have your email address.

Yes, that Google+ user first has to move you into one of their Circles, which is a matter of a few clicks. And no, they will not be able to see your actual email address unless you actually respond or move them into one of your Circles.


1 comment:

  1. I am now using only cash because of my identity stole from credit cards... now I cannot have a circle of friends. Geeeeeez


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