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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Christie vs. O'Malley On Taking Responsiblity

New Jersey’s Republican Governor Chris Christie fired his deputy chief of staff for her role in “bridgegate,” a political scandal in the Garden State involving state officials closing lanes on the busy George Washington Bridge connecting Ft. Lee, N.J., to New York City.

Christie fired Bridget Anne Kelly after emails surfaced exposing her involvement in closing the lanes a part of political payback against Ft. Lee’s Democratic mayor, Mark Sokolich, who did not endorse Christie for reelection.

Christie said he was “embarrassed and humiliated” by the conduct of some of his staff.


  1. Christie's revenge politics is a lot more like old Governor Schaffer.

  2. Upon hearing about 'bridgegate' I had the same comparison. I'm not a fan of CC but at least he showed leadership unlike omalley. omally is your typical democrat, void of showing any hint of personal responsibility. I have no respect for him, nor for any local politician who welcomes such a degenerate into our midst. Governor or not when you welcome such muck it is a reflection on your own character.


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