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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Gay People Against Redefining Marriage: They Exist

Recently, we received a question that highlights a great reality that Dan Savage and Andrew Sullivan fail to acknowledge: there are gay people who are against the government redefining marriage. The “marriage equality” movement assumes that its targeted audience is all on board with its goals. However, there are gay people who wish to not identify with this movement’s merciless tactics, which include using the government to silence dissenters with religious freedom assaults and threatening small businesses that uphold marriage between a man and a woman.

These people also don’t agree with the movement’s ultimate goals: undermining the natural family unit through more government encroachment into the marriage business. They see how this movement is creating a new definition of marriage that undermines the importance of sexual complementarity in marriage by making mothers and fathers optional for children by law. They also see how this movement is promoting a social reconstruction of our society that denies natural gender differences between men and women. This point was especially emphasized in the question we received. Overall, these people think this movement goes too far.


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