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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Former Howard County Substitute Teacher Charged

Howard County police have charged a long-term substitute teacher at Folly Quarter Middle School with possession of child pornography.

Police said Jeremy Sykes, 43, of Columbia, has been teaching at the school since October 2013.

Police received information from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children that numerous uploads of child pornography had been traced to the same user on two separate computers in Howard County.

One computer was traced to Sykes' home and the other to the Howard County Public School System.


  1. Transgender Salisbury University StudentJanuary 11, 2014 at 5:24 PM

    Obama will make sure THE MAN-BOY counsel represents him...

  2. Transgender Student at Salisbury University in Teaching ClassJanuary 11, 2014 at 5:26 PM

    Man-Boy Counsel appointed by Obama and Holder will represent this guy...

  3. Let the pervert out. It's time to let community justice have it's place in the legal system.

  4. Released on own recog???? Oh how soon the MD District Court Commissioners forget the Thomas Leggs incident. They let him out and he killed someone. IDIOTS!!!


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