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Sunday, January 12, 2014

For Police, Murder Is A Time-Saving Device

“We don’t have time for this!” exclaimed a police officer as he shot and killed a psychologically troubled, 90-pound teenage boy who had already been tasered and was pinned down beneath two other officers. The victim, 18-year-old Keith Vidal, was “armed” with a screwdriver at the time of his death.

Vidal’s father, Mark Wilsey, had called the police for help when the boy suffered what was described as a psychotic episode on the afternoon of January 5. When the police arrived at the family’s home in Boiling Spring Lakes, North Carolina, they rendered the kind of “help” for which they have become so notorious – repeatedly tasering the troubled young man until one of them simply shot him as a time-saving measure.

“There was no reason to shoot this kid,” Wilsey told the local NBC affiliate. “We called for help and they killed my son.” During a press conference today (January 6), Wilsey recalled that he was helping the police try to calm down his son when one of the officers fired the fatal gunshot. In addition to killing Vidal, the officer imperiled the lives of several other people – including two of his comrades at risk. He later pointed his gun at Wilsey when the father reacted with predictable pain and outrage over the murder of his son.



  1. but no one cares until it directly affects them... so who gives a shit anymore...

    You won't lock these murders up, the citizens won't stand up and fight, the citizens won't do an eye for an eye to help control cops... So all in all you get what you deserve tho it is tragic but this isn't the first nor is it the last time this will happen...

    Funny thing is no one cares until it is them or their family member this happens to before they care...

  2. live by the sword, die by the sword.

  3. Nonsense article.

  4. Is this happening in our community? Not yet. I suggest people start dealing with incidences like these with guerilla tactics. A full frontal attack on a police officer is not smart. Wait in the shadows and calmly take whatever actions you feel necessary to stop the criminals in blue. Walk away. Repeat until citizens are no longer oppressed.

  5. Citizens are not oppressed in anyway and have more rights than any other country in the world.

  6. 4:09 Wrong. It has happened on at least two occasions. Once in Princess Anne, Once in Hurlock. Both bad shoots.
    The officers are still on duty as the mercenaries they are paid to be in part because of UNION reps on the internal investigation committee and review boards.
    Disarm cops now. Charge them and hold them accountable.
    Let citizens open carry.
    Then you will see crime dissolve.

  7. 4:09PM
    I agree, for every innocent civilian murdered, take out one of the gang members. I don't believe it'd be long before the public would have their message across.

  8. 5:01 PM delusional statement. You clearly believe what you want to believe.

    Ignorance in this day and age voluntary.

  9. Time for open carry for all.

  10. The psychiatry of a copJanuary 10, 2014 at 12:26 AM

    To understand the psychiatry of a cop you must understand this:

    Many Cops are much like liberals.
    They feel discriminated against.
    They feel targeted as if everyone is out to get them. They start their shift with self preservation in mind as if the whole world is in opposition to their personal struggle to maintain law and order.
    They operate as if they are the accused and must lobby their cause to survive. They do not conduct themselves with benevolence, care or charity for mankind, they operate with disdain, hatred and a belief system that makes them omnipotent.
    This leads to the psychotic behavior we all see in many of them.
    Indeed the majority of police are truly incapable of honest perception as they struggle with this mental illness on an hourly basis. A large percentage are forced to seek psychiatric care because the symptoms of the cop first mentality overwhelm their personal lives. They live in continuous internal conflict and suffer from their self inflicted schizophrenic episodes.
    This is how you can tell "good" cops from the bad. Analyze their off duty behavior. Are they community minded and active? Are they well adjusted with good family/home lives? Do they drink heavily and stick to their own at FOP only functions?
    Unfortunately a large majority are just as psychotic as the quarry of criminals they pursue daily and they tend to go for the easy mark or non criminals for self gratification and easy praise simply because they are erroneously afraid for their lives.
    They feel they are much more important than any "average" citizen, even though most are actually well below average by every measure.

  11. 1226, thank you and very well put. I have always thought that both criminals and police have criminal minds. Police have to, it's an important tool they must use in their job. It's how they handle having it that separates a good cop from a bad cop.

  12. The vast majority of police officers are good, law abiding citizens who care very much for the communities they serve. There are a very small number that have issues that cause them to do things for which they should be held accountable. The reality is that these are the officers we see in the news. When police officers do their jobs properly we never hear about them. When the tiny percentage (much less than 1%) violate the rights of the citizens, it is plastered all over the news. Bad news sells. Therefore all we citizens are given is the news of bad things cops do. The perception of the citizens is skewed intentionally by the MSM in order to gain ratings. The unintended consequence is the creation of the perception that the majority of police officers are bad. Remember that 99.999% of police officers you see everyday will give their lives in order to protect you and your loved ones. I agree that if the government would de-criminalize our right of self defense, a high percentage of us would carry what we need to adequately defend ourselves and the need for so many police officers and corrections officers would slowly decrease. But as the need for additional police officers continually increases, invariably we will experience a higher number of officers who improperly handle things, regardless of the pre-employment psychological exams, polygraph exams, voice stress tests, etc., that are required of the recruits. Police officers are an accurate representation of the make-up of the citizens they serve.

  13. 8:49 you make some valid points however the main problem is one of oversight. Every police department should have a citizen review board which reviews and cases in which the police acted improperly, secondly there should be a national database of people no longer allowed to be police officers, i.e. cops who have broken the law. This way they can't just move from jurisdiction to jurisdiction continually preying upon an unsuspecting public. Thirdly any cop committing such offenses should be prosecuted and thrown to the wolves! Any cop found to be lying, planting evidence, or being abusive to the public should be immediately removed from the profession! In other words maybe clean up your act! police your own! Only after these measures are taken will the public again have trust in the police until then, well........ you get what you give!


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