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Monday, January 27, 2014

Fitch Report Wicomico County As Of October 2013

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Economic Indicators Remain Weak
While agriculture, higher education and healthcare provide a solid foundation for the economy, socioeconomic indicators are weak. July employment is down 3.3% year over year, in contrast to the employment base of the state and nation, which continues to grow. 

Furthermore, the county's employment base remains about 7% below the pre-recession peak, trailing the rate of job recapture by the state and nation. The county‟s unemployment as of July 2013 was above average at 8.4%. Wealth indicators are fairly in line with national averages but are well below state averages driven by high-wealth counties around the Washington, D.C. area.

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Total taxable value has declined 17% between fiscal years 2012 and 2014. The statewide triennial assessment cycle creates a lag in realized TAV declines, and the county projects declines to continue through fiscal 2017.


Publishers Notes: I wonder why the "astute" are sitting around scratching their heads? This kind of information isn't compiled instantaneously. I think Salisbury News should get paid more than $100,000.00 a year to keep the Executives Office up to speed on reality. 


  1. Do your contributors get a finders fee? (laughing)

  2. THIS is why JOE ALBERO must be our next COUNTY EXECUTIVE. Make sure they use paper ballots so they can't RIG the election again.

  3. LOL - you are right Joe. They bash you - but I think the real reason is they are afraid of you because you expose their incompetence and feeding at the governmental trough. The Back Street bar hound always thinks he is the smartest one in the room. Instead of being afraid of you, they need to hire you - so they could really be "astute". Obviously you do better research than they do.

  4. While I don't know joe Albero personally I'm sure he means well. He can't fix the Salisbury or the eastern shore. No one person can as too much damage has been done. Letting the bypass through was the worst thing to happen to Salisbury. Companies have left and none have come in. There are no reasons for a large employer to come to the shore to be honest. The lack of progress is killing the area along with the ole boys club. You keep electing the same idiots and they just keep getting richer at your expense. When oc tourism numbers drop off nobody bats an eye.... Fools that's money going some place else. It may be too late to fix things Delmarva........you can sit and watch the area collapse or plan an exit strategy and go.....


  5. Don't forget the company car for all that official business and use of a credit card.

  6. Is this why we cant have a decently plowed and salted road after a snow storm? I dont see any positive coming from Salisbury for years. Since moving here nearly 10 yrs ago things have only gotten worse.

  7. I lived here for nearly 20 year and recently have up and moved to Florida and after months away from Delmarva it's clear it was the best thing for my family. Sad to see things getting worse there it's a real shame.....it's truly over for the shore


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