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Monday, January 27, 2014

Dinesh D'Souza's 'America' Trailer Released (Video)

The conservative behind "2016: Obama's America" is under indictment for campaign finance violations but his next doc will open on schedule on July 4, filmmakers say.

The filmmakers behind DineshD'Souza's upcoming doc have vowed to press on while their star defends himself after his indictment on federal charges that he violated campaign finance laws in 2012. On Sunday, they released a trailer for the movie, America, that is set for release on July 4.

America is the follow-up to the surprise hit 2016: Obama's America, which earned $33 million in 2012 and became the second most popular political documentary in history, behind Michael Moore'sFahrenheit 9/11, which earned $119 million in 2004.


1 comment:

  1. when people step up to the plate to try to educate and expose what is really happening to our nation, they will suffer. Dinesh is one of these people. Pray for him to get through this trial so he may continue his work. we need him and he needs our prayers and support.


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