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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

And So We Learn...


  1. I would tell the teacher and the school thanks!!! Get me the hell out of here! I'll be better off being home schooled or a christian or private school where parents have a say in their child's education.
    When my son was in elementary and middle school, I told them to be very careful what they say and what they write in their journals. My son wrote in his journal what he thought of black history month, and I was subjected to a long discussion surround by liberal and black teachers and administrators about hate speech. I stood up for my son, and told them if it is a free country, he can write what he wants. I was told he couldn't in public school. We have lost our freedom of speech and have become the enemy of our own government who are supposed to be our servants! Be careful what you say, and especially what your write. It will come back to haunt you and will be used against you now and in the future!

  2. 12:47 We see what you teach your kids at home. That is a real shame.

  3. Liberal Colleges = Liberal teachers it would take a long time to cycle out these Brainwashed Liberal teachers we are screwed

  4. 1:17 The real shame is someone like you that only believes in free speech as long as it suits your twisted political agenda of racism, intolerance and bigotry.
    It is not hate speech if it's true. But I wouldn't expect you to understand that. Truth seems to escape the liberal mind and reality.
    Do you have a problem with Black History month? No? Do you have a problem that there is no WHITE history month? That is racist.

  5. 12:47 Yeah, Christian, and private schools, get the best drugs. Coke specifically. Wonder where they learn that from? HOME.


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