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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 1-29-14

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Wicomico's Operational Budget - Out of Sync":

If I am understanding this correctly, you can also note that the Per Capita taxable income level is below poverty. You have to understand that this is an "average" of all tax filers and to get such a low figure, it means that there are a boat load of people making very low wages.

I understand this includes deductions, but that is a very low figure.

I recently made a comment that I was making the same wage as I was in 2005. And did not realize how rich I was back then. Factor in the fact that all basic needs and goods have doubled in cost.

This is indisputable proof that taxpayers can not afford any more mismanagement by both the county and city


  1. I am glad to see that this information is, finally, starting to resonate with Wicomico's voters. Thank-you, my faith in humanity has been restored.


  2. It depends. There is gross income, there is adjusted gross income, there is net income, there is off-the-books income, there is uncounted benefits income, etc.,etc. You can't believe any of it because whoever is writing the story uses whatever definition of income that agrees with their story line. You know, like certain people have income below the poverty line until you add in EBT cards, welfare, AFDC, unemployment benefits and suddenly the total income is higher than yours. It's all just a game.

  3. 10:29
    I am not sure what you are implying.
    But I am sure "whoever wrote this story" used the data supplied to him from the published information the government supplied.

    I agree it can often be a numbers game, but in this case, I doubt the government expected anyone to catch on.

  4. We are not supposed top catch on.


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