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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

96 Percent Of Dems Who Support Minimum Wage Hike Don’t Pay Their Interns

Liberals are really pushing raising the minimum wage for 2014. Thirty states have put forward bills to increase it, and Democrats have made this issue part of their political strategy for this year. Yet, a new study from the Employment Policies Institute (EPI) has exposed the proponents of raising the minimum wage of their "hypocrisy." It seems that 96% of Democrats who support such measures don't pay their interns.

The abstract of the EPI study noted that "the same Members of Congress who are supporting a 40% wage hike on private sector employers are simultaneously failing to provide any wages to their own employee interns."

Last year, I wrote for Newsbusters about how the media rail about the gender wage gap, but seem to ignore that the Obama White House paid their female staffers 88.3% of what their male ones earn.

Furthermore, then-Washington Free Beacon reporter Andrew Stiles reported in May 2012 that the female members of the Senate Democratic Caucus are some of the worst offenders concerning the gender wage gap.



  1. They dont like to pay their house help either.

  2. They also have illegal aliens doing their yard work cheap and under the table.

  3. If you paid interns, they couldn't get through all of the applications. Let's keep it like it is, with Mommy and Daddy footing the bills. That way, we get mostly white upper-middle class kids to go into politics.
    But they should all be ugly, so that... well, you know why.
    ;>) ;>)


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